Add Web Ordering URL to Social Media

This quick guide is designed to assist you with adding your web ordering URL to your social media accounts. 


A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated

  • Make sure account is set to Business Account.   
    You can do this via Settings | Manage Account | Switch to Business Account. 
  • Edit your Profile 
  • Under Website add in your Web Ordering URL (ie

The web ordering URL will then appear on your TikTok profile under the Website section. 




Description automatically generated

  • Make sure account is set to Professional Account. 
            You can do this via Settings Switch to Professional Account
  • Access your Profile. 
  • Under Website add in your Web Ordering URL (ie 

The web ordering URL will then appear on your Instagram profile under the Website section. 




Description automatically generated

  • Click on your profile picture in the top left to access your Timeline.
  • Use the Edit Profile button.
  • Scroll to the bottom and use the Edit Your About Info button.
  • Scroll to the Contact Info section and choose Edit
  • Under Websites, click Add Website and add in your Web Ordering URL (ie
  • Use the Save button. 

The web ordering URL will then appear on your Facebook profile under the Website section