Analytics: Facebook


Facebook Analytics can be tracked from both web ordering and mobile apps.

The Android app uses the Device ID to track the user data.

The iOS app asks for user permission for app tracking. If tracking is enabled, events will trigger and be passed with user matching data. If the user has declined tracking, the events will still trigger although no user matching data will be included – the event is passed from an anonymous user.


User Matching

Supported Events

Implementation Process

User Matching

Data fields available for Facebook Analytics are;

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Name

Supported Events

Complete Registration*

  • Sign Up Method
  • Sign Up Status
  • Currency

Add to Cart

  • Content ID
  • Content Name
  • Value

Initiate Checkout

  • Content ID(s)
  • Value
  • # of items

Add Payment Info**

  • Content ID(s)
  • Cart Value
  • Content Category


  • Content ID(s)
  • Cart Value

* For Complete Registration events, the sign up method may be Facebook, Google or Native (Apple OAuth method does not report) and the sign up status will either be successful or not successful.

** For Add Payment Info events, the Content Category is the payment type. For example, credit card, member money, member rewards etc.

Implementation Process

First, the client will need to add Redcat's developer ID to the developer role for their app.

- login to
- navigate to My Apps
- select the app (or create a new one)
- choose App Roles | roles from the left menu
- add Redcat's ID: 100012238590084 to the developer role

To facilitate web analytics, the client will create a Facebook Pixel and provide the Meta Pixel ID to Redcat.

Redcat will require access to the client Facebook Business Account to facilitate the setup for mobile apps.

The client will need to create the Facebook catalogue where the Content ID for each item matches the Redcat PLU Number.

The client will need to investigate the reporting of analytics via Facebook.

Additionally, the client will be able to prioritise within their Facebook Event Manager the data fields to collect (from 1 - 8) and can then elect to track ONE event (see note 5).

Things to note:

  1. Content IDs are critical to dynamic ads which are the driving force behind implementing Facebook Analytics.
  2. If a reported item doesn't exist within the catalogue and the client creates a new catalogue item, they will need to match the Content ID with the item already reported.
  3. If a catalogue item is created with an incorrect Content ID, updating the Content IDs can have a delay before it is effective and there may still be Content ID mismatches. It is recommended that an item with an incorrect Content ID be deleted, and a new item created with the correct Content ID.
  4. Events registered within Facebook Events Manager are not strictly real-time. There can be a delay of up to 30 mins before events are populated within the Overview tab.
  5. There is no guarantee that the desired event will be tracked regardless of the prioritisation applied.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

March 2024

Updated to include the requirement to add Redcat Developer ID to the App Roles.

Susan B