Analytics: Google

Google Analytics can be tracked from both web ordering and mobile apps. The Android app will always issue analytic events while the iOS app will only trigger events if the customer has given permission for tracking.


User Matching

Supported Events

Implementation Process

User Matching

Data fields available for Google Analytics are;

  • All fields from the member profile, including any UDFs

Supported Events

Complete Registration*

  • Sign Up Method
  • Sign Up Status
  • Currency

Add to Cart

  • Item ID
  • Item Name
  • Price

Initiate Checkout

  • Cart Value
  • Item Name(s)
  • Item ID(s)
  • Price(s)

Add Payment Info**

  • Payment Type
  • Cart Value
  • Item ID(s)
  • Item Name(s)
  • Price(s)


  • Transaction ID
  • Cart Value
  • Item Name(s)
  • Item ID(s)
  • Price(s)

* For Complete Registration events, the sign up method may be Facebook, Google or Native (Apple OAuth method does not report) and the sign up status will either be successful or not successful.

** For Add Payment Info events, the Content Category is the payment type. For example, credit card, member money, member rewards etc.

Implementation Process

Firebase is utilised to facilitate both web and app tracking. The client will need to provide the credentials for Redcat to access Firebase.

From the Firebase console, Redcat will obtain the following keys:

  • Firebase API Key
  • Firebase Auth Domain
  • Firebase Project ID
  • Firebase Storage Bucket
  • Firebase Messaging Sender ID
  • Firebase App ID
  • Firebase Measurement ID

The client will need to investigate the reporting of analytics via Google.

Things to note:

  1. The existing Universal Analytics is to be deprecated in October 2023.
  2. The supported events described above are not available to clients still using Universal Analytics, although existing events will continue to be reported to Universal Analytics until such time as Google stops supporting these events.
  3. The Item ID reported in events is the Redcat PLU Number.