Analytics Overview


An analytics module is available which allows clients to collect and analyse data as customers engage and transact within their online ordering presence.

Analytics are supported for:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • TikTok


Analytics Overview

User Matching

Supported Events

Analytics Platforms

Analytics Overview

As customers engage with online ordering, either via web ordering or mobile apps, events are triggered which pass data to the relevant platform. The event data is generally accompanied by sufficient detail to allow identification of the user (user matching data).

When examining your analytics data, consideration should be given to the following:

  • Only parent item PLUs are reported within events. For example, if a customer orders PLU 65 -Cheese Burger with PLU 89 Add Ham, only PLU 65 – Cheese Burger will be reported in the event.
  • The PLU Value reported in the event will always be the value of the parent PLU, plus any ingredients which carry extra amounts. For example, Cheese Burger $10.00 with Add Ham $1.50 will report as Cheese Burger $11.50.
  • The Cart Value will always be inclusive of any discounts/surcharges. For example, the above Cheese Burger will report $11.50 for the item but the addition of a $5 Off coupon will reduce the Cart Value to $6.50. Similarly, the same Cheese Burger with a delivery fee of $4.99 added to the sale will report the item as $11.50 and the Cart Value as $16.49.

User Matching

User matching data included with the events varies between analytics platforms. The data fields for each platform are shown in this table.





All fields from the member profile including any UDFs


Supported Events

The following supported events exist for the analytics module.

  • Complete Registration
  • Add to Cart
  • Initiate Checkout
  • Add Payment Info
  • Purchase

For Facebook and Google, other events exist which are used to match users with events, and custom events which keep track of usage and behaviour data. However, TikTok only supports the events listed above.

Analytics Platforms


