Analytics: TikTok

Analytics for TikTok are available only for web ordering events. TikTok do not support any mobile app events.


User Matching

Supported Events

Implementation Process

User Matching

Data fields available for Facebook Analytics are;

  • Email
  • Phone

Supported Events

Complete Registration*

  • Sign Up Method
  • Sign Up Status
  • Currency

Add to Cart

  • Content ID
  • Content Name
  • Value

Initiate Checkout

  • Cart Contents [Content ID, Content Name, Price]
  • Cart Value 

Add Payment Info**

  • Content Category
  • Cart Contents [Content ID, Content Name, Price]
  • Cart Value 


  • Cart Contents [Content ID, Content Name, Price]
  • Cart Value 

* For Complete Registration events, the sign up method may be Facebook, Google or Native (Apple OAuth method does not report) and the sign up status will either be successful or not successful.

** For Add Payment Info events, the Content Category is the payment type. For example, credit card, member money, member rewards etc.

Implementation Process

Clients are required to create their TikTok Pixel within TikTok for Business, obtain the Pixel ID from the Event Manager, and provide the Pixel ID to Redcat.

Things to note:

  1. TikTok ads will have an embedded link to the ordering website (ensure that this link is not a universal link which would open the app if installed on a mobile device).
  2. Tracked events are passed with user matching data from the member profile, if no member is logged in the IP address of the device in use is tracked.
  3. Conversion (purchase) is the primary data point tracked.