App Configuration Settings


Lists and explains all the configurable settings available for the Redcat app



Home Screen

Card Screen

Online Ordering



Push Notifications



Show background image
A background image can be displayed / hidden behind the login details when logging into the app

App Security (Captcha)
As an added security feature, we can enable Captcha for your app.  This will display a pictorial challenge when the member logs in.

Home Screen

A 'Home Screen' can be enabled that displays configurable targeted marketing. If enabled the customer will land on this screen when opening the app (once logged in). This marketing material is controlled by the Advertisements section in Polygon Central. 

Note: there is no fallback image if you do not configure items for this screen.  It is therefore recommended that you be prepared to run three (3) advertisement | marketing items to fill the screen. 

Card Screen

Card Screen Auto Brightness
Barcode scanners at POS may have difficulty reading the member barcode if the customer device is not set to maximum brightness. The card screen can be configured to automatically display at maximum brightness.  If not, tapping on the member barcode will toggle between maximum brightness and the device brightness setting.

Card screen in app
There is space on the card screen (barcode, points and cash balance) of the app for an additional message of up to 80 characters which can include a link to your website URL or a contact email address. 
Alternatively, in place of message text an image can be displayed.  This image can also link to the above website URL.  Images with an aspect ratio 5:3 work well.  Please note, the image minimum dimension is 200 x 200 px.

Allow Hybrid Cash topup (points loyalty systems only)
If you are using the points loyalty system (where points earn / redemption is controlled at the item level) customers have the ability to add a cash value to their loyalty card (like a gift card attached to their loyalty card). This setting will allow the member to topup (or add to) their Hybrid Cash value via the app. 

Use QR Code for member barcode

For OLO3 apps, you may choose to have the member barcode displayed as a QR code.  If not, the member barcode will be displayed as a standard Code128 format.

Online Ordering

Online ordering
If you have Online Ordering do you want this enabled within the app

Multi Brand Ordering
Do you require Multi Brand Ordering within the app? 
This functionality works in conjunction with our virtual store / dark kitchen offering and allows for customers to place an order that contains items from multiple brands that are available at the location they're ordering from. 

Collapsible Choice Sets by Default
Optional choices and modifiers for online menu items can sometimes be cumbersome for your customer to navigate.  We can configure your app to collapse by default optional choice sets, and required choice sets programmed with a default ingredient.
The customer can still easily open each of these choice sets and make modifications as desired. 

Multiple Delivery Options
This allows for a choice of store for the customer to order with if more than one store services the delivery address. Usually this is enabled when Multi Brand Ordering is in use, and there is a different configuration of brands available at each location.

Completed Order Messages
Completed order messages may be configured to display on the finalised order screen within the app.  A different message may be configured per sale type if required.

Open Tabs Payment Labels
If Open Tabs are enabled, you can customise the payment label (text displayed as the payment method name) 
The default labels are;
  • Table Service: Table Service
  • Pick Up: Pay at Collection
  • Delivery: Pay on Delivery
Fraud Prevention Messages
A fraud prevention message can be displayed on the payment screen for orders placed in the app. 
  • Delivery orders: ‘We reserve the right to ask for ID upon delivery of online orders’
  • Collection orders: ‘We reserve the right to ask for ID upon collection of online orders’

Hidden Times
It is not always desirable for timing details to be visible to the customer.  If times are hidden the order time selector will not be displayed, nor will any time estimate for completion | delivery.
This can be configured per sale type and doesn't have to be hidden from all of them.

Payment Methods
Available payment methods that can be configured for ordering via the app are;

  • Credit card (manual credit card entry) with the ability to save this card to use for future purchases
  • Apple Pay | Google Pay
  • Loyalty Points
    Member must have enough points to redeem all items in the transaction
  • Hybrid Cash
  • Reward Points
    Will use all available points for redemption, any remaining value to be paid can be done so via another payment method
  • Gift Card
  • Pay Later
    Pay at pickup / pay at delivery / order at table.
    Can be configured by location - Open Tabs


Coupon visibility

In addition to current coupons, decide if you'd like these coupons will be visible to members in the app.  
  • Upcoming
  • Redeemed
  • Expired


Support Links  
The following links are required for menu items pointing at content hosted outside of the app, accessible via the ‘More’ button in the app’s main navigation bar: 
    • Please provide a URL for your website contact page or loyalty info page: 
    • Please provide an email address for users to contact you regarding the app: 

Social Media Links
If a social media link is configured the relevant social media icon is display in the top left hand corner of the app that will take the customer to your page on that platform. 
Some customer don't like these being displayed here and instead link to these platforms via the 'Other Links' option below. 

Other links 
Links that you'd like to have available via the 'more' button in the app. Each link can be configured if a web browser will open inside the app, or if they're opened in the default browser on their device. 
Note: all URLs provided must start with https://  

  • Please provide a URL for your Menu web page
    Note: a link to your Menu web page is a requirement for successful submission of an app
  • Please provide a name and URL for any additional links you wish to add (e.g. ‘Bookings’; ‘About Us’, Social media platforms etc)

Push Notifications

Push notifications can be enabled in the app if you'd like to be able to send push notifications to customers. For how Push Notifications work please see: App Push Notifications



Please provide the GPS coordinates for the map default / fallback location (map defaults to this location when a user doesn't allow the app to access their location)

Show public holiday trading hours
This allows for the Public Holiday Trading Hours in configured in POS Management to be shown (will always show when looking at location details like another day of the week). If you're configuring trading hours via Customise Online Trading Hours in Polygon Central then you don't want this to be displayed. 

Show location phone number
When looking at location details you can choose if you want the configured phone number to be displayed. This is a global setting and not configurable by location. 
If there is no phone number configured for this location in POS Management then this field is automatically hidden for that location.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

June 2024

Added the ability to display member barcode as QR code in Card Screen section.

S Black