Asset Guide OLO3: iOS & Android App


Google Maps API Key


Company Logo

App Icon

Splash Screen

Optional Background Image

Order Icon

Offers Icons

Google Play Feature Graphic

Submitting Assets


Google Maps API Key

To enable the setup of your app, we require that you provide an API Key which will be used when displaying customer facing maps during the ordering process. 

Your contact from the Redcat Implementation Team can assist you with obtaining this API Key if you do not already have one.  



Please supply as web colours (e.g. #FF00FF). 

You will need to specify:

  • App primary colour
    Generally used for buttons, to indicate links and to show selected options

Optionally, you can also choose to specify:

  • Default text colour
    (default is black and contrasting shades)
  • On-primary text colour
    (this is the colour of text on elements that have the primary colour as background)
  • Surface colour
    (essentially the background - default is white)
  • Surface variant colour
    (default is a contrasting grey)
  • Outline colour
    (default is grey)
  • Outline variant colour
    (default is a contrasting grey)
  • Header colour
    (default is the background colour)
  • Tab colour
    (default is the background colour)

phone app


Company Logo

Required are: 

  1. A colour version of your logo for use on the main log-in screen against a white background. Please name this file login_logo.png.
  2. A wide aspect ratio (up to 4:1 width x height) for use on the header bar.   If you have specified a colour for the header, this will need to be a white version to be reversed out against the header colour. 
    Please name this file header_logo.png.

Size required: minimum width 1000px, minimum height 250px. 
Format: png with transparent background.  


company logo

App Icon

The app launch icon. 

Please send an icon that doesn't have any border radius or pre-adjustments to the overall framing of the app icon.  It should be a 1:1 square with no important content in the corners.  This is because the app icon will conform to the operating system defaults.

Size required: 1024 x 1024px
Format: .png (or .svg)
Please name this file: icon_1024x1024.png 


You will provide a 1:1 square image

rounded edges
iOS/Android will render it like this
Android round format will render it like this


Splash Screen

The splash screen is displayed while the app is opening.  

Please provide one large high-resolution image.

Size required: 2250 x 4000px
Format: .png
Please name this file: splash_2250x4000.png 


splash screen

Optional Background Image

You may choose to provide an optional background image that will be displayed behind the Sign In window when the app opens.  If you opt not to supply a background image, the default white background will be shown.

Please do not use any logos or text in this image as it will be partially covered by the Sign In interface as shown.  This is best suited to wallpaper-type imagery.

Please provide one large high-resolution image.

Size required: 2250 x 4000px
Format: .png
Please name this file: background_2250x4000.png 

background image


Order Icon

You may customise the Order icon in the tab bar of the app to best reflect the nature of your business if desired.  The tab bar below shows the default Order icon (Order 1). 

The full set of options available from Redcat are shown below (Order 1 - Order 11):


Alternatively, for the order icon you can select an icon from, or provide a custom icon. 

If providing a custom icon, it must be a .svg file and you will need to follow the guidelines here: 


Offers Icons

In the app, offers are handled in two components: an image and accompanying text and presented on an offer card and an offer details card.  

Both the image and text are programmed and maintained by yourself via Coupons in Polygon Central.  However, there may be times when you have not assigned an image to a coupon, or the member has no current offers. 

In these instances, the relevant default offer icons are shown below.

special offers

The full set of icons available from Redcat to use when an offer has no image is shown below (Offer 1 - Offer 5):

special offer options

Alternatively, for the no image icon and/or the no offers icon you can select an icon from, or provide a custom icon. 

If providing a custom icon, it must be a .svg file and you will need to follow the guidelines here: 


Google Play Feature Graphic

The feature graphic must be provided to publish your listing for Google Play and is used when a collection of apps in a large format is shown.

Size required: 1024 x 500px
Format: .png or .jpg
Please name this file: featuregraphic_1024x500.png/jpg 

google play


Submitting assets

Once you have obtained all these required images please submit them to Redcat via this digital form



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

January 2024

First publication of this article which details the graphics requirements for OLO3 apps.
Supersedes existing article Asset Guide: iOS & Android Apps

S Black

February 2024

Added on-primary text colour to the list of optional colour specifications.

S Black