Automatic Daily Sales Resets (Overview)


Why should you use this functionality?

Use Cases


Do you want to use Automatic Daily Sales Resets?


Automatic Daily Sales Resets can help streamline the end-of-day process by performing an automatic reset of your trade data at a pre-configured time. This ensures consistent data accuracy by eliminating the possibility of missed or combined resets and can free up staff time, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. 

Why should you use this functionality? 

Automatic Sales Resets benefits are:

  • Eliminate the risk of missed resets and associated data inconsistencies.

  • Streamlined closing procedures, freeing up staff for other tasks.

Use Cases

Automatic Daily Sales Resets can be used by any business with a Polygon POS installation that requires the reset of sales:

  • enforced at the same time every day
  • unattended (no staff input is required)


To utilise Automatic Daily Sales Resets, the following versions are required.

Polygon POS Management: 2404.19.1 or later
Polygon POS Terminal: 2404.24.1 or later 

Clients wishing to utilise Automatic Daily Sales Resets must:
  • have a Polygon POS installation at the store


Do you want to use Automatic Daily Sales Resets?

To learn more about using this functionality, contact your account manager or get in touch with us at the numbers below:

Australia 1300 4 REDCAT (1300 473 322)
UK Toll Free 808 0808 189 3396.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2023

First publication of this article

S Black