Automatic Daily Sales Resets (Setup Guide)

This guide will assist with the settings required to implement Automatic Daily Sales Resets for Polygon POS.



Polygon POS Management Configuration

POS Deployment

Related Articles


Automatic Daily Sales Resets can help streamline the end-of-day process by performing an automatic reset of your trade data at a pre-configured time. This ensures consistent data accuracy by eliminating the possibility of missed or combined resets and can free up staff time, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. 

The Product Overview article for Automatic Daily Sales Resets is here.


To utilise Automatic Daily Sales Resets, the site must have a Polygon POS installation and the following versions are required.

Polygon POS Management: 2404.19.1 or later
Polygon POS Terminal: 2404.24.1 or later 
  - ensure the software update includes both rcsn_pos.exe and rcapplaunchpad.exe


Polygon POS Management Configuration

Automatic Resets must be enabled in the default system settings (use the HQ Setting or  Apply to All option if relevant) and in the system settings for the relevant POS location(s). 

Automatic Resets also have dependencies on the following settings:

  • End of Business Day Threshold
  • Force Z-Read at POS Terminals before the start of trading day

To enable Automatic Resets:

  • Access the Default Location System Settings (or POS Location System Settings as appropriate).
  • Navigate to POS Terminal Settings | Z-Read | General.
  • Ensure that the Enable Automatic Resets setting is ON.
  • Ensure that the End of Business Day Threshold is set.
  • Ensure that the Force Z-Read at POS terminals before the start of trading day settings is ON.

pos terminal settings

      Note: Care should be taken to ensure that the End of business scheduled POS shutdown time is set sufficiently after the End of business day threshold to allow enough time for the automatic reset process to be assessed, performed and uploaded before the shutdown.  Redcat recommends the shutdown be programmed a minimum of 30 minutes after the end of day threshold.


      You can learn more about accessing and applying these configuration settings in Polygon POS Management here.

      Send an Update to the POS

      Once the configuration settings have been applied send an update to the POS.

      POS Deployment

      You can verify at the POS the settings applied for Automatic Daily Sales Resets.

      • System Settings | Application Settings | Z-Read | General
        - End of business day threshold
        - Enable automatic resets
        - Force Z-Read at POS terminals before start of trading day

      pos location settings

      Related Articles




      Article Change Log

      Date Record of Changes Author

      April 2024

      First publication of this article.

      S Black

      July 2024

      Updated to include the requirement that 'end of business POS shutdown time' not be within 30 minutes of the 'end of business day threshold'. 

      S Black