Automatic Daily Sales Resets (User Guide)


How does it work?


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Automatic Daily Sales Resets can help streamline the end-of-day process by performing an automatic reset of your trade data at a pre-configured time. This ensures consistent data accuracy by eliminating the possibility of missed or combined resets and can free up staff time, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. 

The Product Overview article for Automatic Daily Sales Resets is here.

How does it work? 

If Automatic Daily Sales Resets are enabled the POS will perform an unattended end-of-day POS Area Reset when the programmed trading time threshold is met. 

No input from POS Staff is required during this process and the following rules apply:

  • All finalised sales will be included in the reset
  • Open sales will not be included and will remain in the POS for the next trade session.
  • Pending sales will not be included and will remain in the POS to be released for production at the scheduled time.
  • All media types included in the reset will be listed with no variance.
  • If a sale is in progress on the Master terminal when the automatic reset is scheduled the POS will wait and perform the reset at the next assessment against the threshold (this is polled each minute).
  • If a sale is in progress on a Slave terminal when the automatic reset is performed it will be excluded from the reset (it is an open sale).
When the reset is completed, it will be uploaded to the cloud and the POS software on the Master terminal will restart.


Please know about the following considerations when using Automatic Daily Resets for your POS installation.

  • If there are no finalised sales when the automatic reset is scheduled, no reset will be performed.
  • If the POS software is not running at the scheduled reset time the POS will assess against the programmed trading time threshold when the software is reopened and the reset will be performed.
  • A fully unattended reset cannot be performed if the POS has no network or internet when the reset is performed as error messages regarding the internet connection and the inability to transmit files will require POS staff to respond.
    • if staff respond immediately to the messages, the reset will be completed and remain stored in the POS terminal until the internet connection is restored.  It will be uploaded with the next upload/download of files.
    • if staff take steps to restore the network/internet connection first and then respond to the messages, the reset will be completed and uploaded immediately.
  • The setting Do not allow Z-Read at POS terminals if open sales were found will not prevent an Automatic Daily Sales Reset even if there are open sales in the POS.

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You can learn about applying the configuration settings to implement Automatic Daily Sales Resets in this article.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2024

First publication of this article.

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