Automatic Redemption of Coupons


An enhancement to Coupons introduced in February 2024 means businesses can encourage members to expend coupons by automatically adding them to their order the next time they transact.  This applies to orders placed at Polygon POS, and on OLO3 (web, app & kiosk) platforms.

Businesses can decide if an automatically applied coupon must remain in the sale or if the member can choose to remove it and save it for use at a later time.

About Automatic Redemption of Coupons

When programming a coupon using the wizard in Polygon Central, you may choose if the coupon should be automatically applied to a member sale, and if the coupon redemption should be enforced.

This occurs on the Other tab in the wizard and the relevant field is Enforce Redemption.

Automatic Coupon Redemption Types

Coupons programmed for automatic redemption then fall into two (2) categories:

  1. Enforced Coupons - the redemption of this coupon is enforced, it cannot be removed from the sale.
  2. Applied Coupons - the coupon will be automatically added to the sale but can be removed if desired.

You can learn about programming coupons and coupon management in Polygon Central here.

Enforced | Applied Coupons at Polygon POS

Polygon POS will assess if a coupon should be automatically applied as the active coupon when the member is assigned to the sale.

This can occur when

  • The member's loyalty barcode is scanned during ordering or when on the pay screen.
  • The Customer Details form is used to look up the member
  • The Scan Member button on the pay screen is used to assign the member to the sale.
The POS staff member can remove an Applied coupon if requested by the member.  They cannot remove an Enforced coupon.

applied coupon

You can see more about redeeming coupons at POS here.

Enforced | Applied Coupons and OLO3

When a member is signed in and processing an online order, assessment for the coupon occurs when an item is added to the cart.

Members will be advised that the coupon was applied automatically and if it cannot be removed.

cat's coffee carts

Members with Multiple Coupons

If a member has multiple coupons available with an automatic redemption status, the coupon to be applied will be chosen based on the following priority:

  1. Enforced coupons
    If more than one, the coupon with the closest expiry date
  2. Applied coupons
    If more than one, the coupon with the closest expiry date


To utilise Automatic Redemption of Coupons specific versions are required.  It is supported for :
Polygon POS
  • Polygon POS Management: 2402.??.? later (TBC upon production release) 
  • Polygon POS Terminal: 2402.??.? or later (TBC upon production release) 

Online Ordering 3

Specific deployments will be required, please ask your Redcat contact to ensure:

  • all relevant code has been deployed to Polygon Central.

  • your app is the build required to support the Automatic Redemption of Coupons.
  • your kiosk has the correct shell deployed.

Other Considerations

It is not recommended that the coupon type Percentage off enforced PLU [Item] is used for automatic redemptions.  These coupons will add the enforced PLU item to the sale and apply the relevant discount.  If the coupon is for 'free chips' the member could end up with chips in the sale regardless of whether or not they want them.

Related Articles

You can learn more about Coupons in these articles.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

February 2024

First publication of this article.

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