Coupon Discount Types Overview (Video)

In this video we'll discuss each of the different coupon discount types available, and how they can be used.


Coupon Discount Types Overview Video

Coupon Discount Types

Percentage off [Full Sale]

Dollars off [Full Sale]

Percentage off [Item & Instructions]

Percentage off [Item only]

Price Override

Dollars Off [Item]

Percentage off enforced PLU [Item]

Buy one get one dollars off [Item]

Buy one get one percentage off [Item]

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Percentage off [Full Sale]

This one is pretty simple; it will apply a percentage off ALL items in the sale.
You have the option to limit the discount to a certain dollar value if desired.

Dollars off [Full Sale]

This one is also very simple; it will apply a set dollar amount discount off the transaction total.

If the coupon amount is greater than the total of the sale it will adjust so the balance is zero not overpaid. When this occurs the coupon is marked as redeemed and the remaining amount is not available for use in a later sale.

Percentage off [Item & Instructions]

Percentage off item & instructions will discount the target item and any instructions or modifiers attached to it (eg. Almond milk that is charged at an extra 50 cents would also receive the discount).

This can be configured to be only one specific item, or a choice of items to select from.

Percentage off [Item only]

Percentage off the parent item only. Any instructions or modifiers such as almond milk will be charged at their regular price.

This can be configured to be only one specific item, or a choice of items to select from.

Price Override

Price Override sets a new price for the target item.

This can be configured to be only one specific item eg. $2 fries, or a range of items to select from eg. $2 sides

Dollars Off [Item]

This allows you to reduce a parent item by a set dollar amount, any instructions or modifiers will still be charged at their regular price.
You can set this to apply to a specific item or a choice of item to select from.

If the dollar amount that is being taken off is greater than the price of the target item anything beyond taking the item to zero dollars is discarded and the remaining amount is not available for use in a later sale.

Percentage off enforced PLU [Item]

This allows you to apply a discount against a specified item; any instructions or modifiers will still be charged at their regular price.
The difference between this and Percentage Off [Item] is that this can only be setup to apply to one particular parent item.

If the target item is already in the transaction when this coupon is added then the discount will apply

If the target item is not yet in the transaction then it will get added and the discount applied.

Both the POS and Web ordering checks to see if this item exists in the sale already, and if not it will add it for you.

Buy one get one dollars off [Item]

The Buy One Get One coupon discount types allow you to set an item (or a range of items) that must first be added to the transaction (we call this the qualifying item) before this coupon will apply against a targeted item.

With the Buy One Get One dollars off this allows you to reduce a parent item by a set dollar amount; any instructions or modifiers will still be charged at their regular price.

For example; Buy any main and get $2 off a side

The qualifying and target item can be the same item if desired, however the quantity of that item in the sale needs to be two or more for the coupon to apply.

Buy one get one percentage off [Item]

The Buy One Get One coupon discount types allow you to set an item (or a range of items) that must first be added to the transaction (we call this the qualifying item) before this coupon will apply against a targeted item.

With the Buy One Get One percentage off this allows you to reduce a parent item by a configured percentage, any instructions or modifiers will still be charged at their regular price.

For example;

  • Buy any main and get 50 percent off a side
  • Or Buy a Coffee get one free 

The qualifying and target item can be the same item if desired, however the quantity of that item in the sale needs to be two or more for the coupon to apply.

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