Coupon Eligibility (Video)

For all coupon programs that you create, you need to configure the eligibility which is how coupons are going to be issued. In this video we'll discuss each of these options and example use cases.


Coupon Eligibility Video

Eligibility Types

Independent Campaign

All Current Registrations

New Registrations

All Current and New Registrations

One Coupon for All

Related Articles

Independent Campaign

An Independent Campaign has three main uses

  1. The first way is ongoing offers over a period of time that are automatically issued via Redcat, or a third party such as Impact Data.
    1. Some Redcat examples of this are;
      • Birthday coupon
      • Refer a friend
      • Credit Loyalty (example; when the customer reaches 200 points they are issued a $10 coupon and their points balance resets to zero).
    2. Some Impact Data examples of this are;
      • Free item after a set number of visits
      • Free item or discount after total spend reaches a certain value
      • Incentivise regular visits with an offer if the customer hasn't visited in a certain time period
    NOTE: The campaigns that run in the background to issue these still need to be setup via Redcat or Impact Data. You will need to provide them the coupon program ID so they can get everything else configured for you.

  2. The second way is to Manually issue to specific members as required via a CSV upload

    This could be that you offer coupons for customer retention around complaints or you have a set of members not defined in a group or segment that you want to issue coupons to.

    Please see the section on Assigning Coupons to Specific Members in our  Coupon Management article for more details.
  3. The third way is To create a batch of coupons with unique codes for non-member use such as on printed materials that are then distributed (eg flyers or business cards)

    Please see the section on Exporting Coupons Codes in our  Coupon Management article for more details.

All Current Registrations

This will issue a coupon to all current registered loyalty members at the time the coupon program is created even if this coupon program is scheduled to start in the future. The coupon issued will only be available once the coupon program start date has been reached.

Any new members that register after the coupon program is created will not receive this coupon.

NOTE: You can issue to a subset of members if required by using groups or segments.

New Registrations

All new members who register after the coupon program has been created will receive this coupon even if this is coupon program is scheduled to start in the future. The coupon issued will only be available once the coupon program start date has been reached.

Any current members will not be eligible to receive this coupon.

NOTE: You can to a subset of new members if required by using segments.
It's important to understand that the criteria for the member to be added to the segment must be met at time of registration. If the member did not meet the segment criteria at time of registration, then updates their details they will not be eligible to receive this coupon as they're treated as a current member. 

Please see our segment documentation for further information on this functionality.

All Current and New Registrations

A combination of the previous two options.

Coupons will be issued to all current members, and any new members who register after the coupon program is created even if this coupon program is scheduled to start in the future. The coupon issued will only be available once the coupon program start date has been reached.

One Coupon for All

One coupon generated that all redemptions use; for example putting a redemption code on social media that any one can redeem.

NOTE: This only issues a single coupon so it should always be used with the MUTLI-use setting, as single use will only allow it to be redeemed once.


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2024

Updated to include references and links to Coupon Management article for points 2 & 3 in the Independant Campaign section.

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