Customer Facing Displays (User Guide)

This article will provide details on the programming and use of Customer Facing Displays for Polygon POS.


How to Access


Navigating the Customer Facing Display & Advertisement Pane Lists

Considerations when Creating Customer Display Screens

Creating an Advertisement Pane

Creating a Customer Facing Display


The Customer Facing Display (CFD) aims to enhance the customer's ordering experience in restaurants.  It is positioned behind the POS and faces the customer to provide real-time order information, increasing order accuracy and reducing errors.

The CFD also promotes upselling and cross-selling opportunities by displaying marketing assets, which helps increase sales and revenue. 

The CFD can be controlled using a user-friendly interface and customisable settings that can be easily managed from Polygon Central, making it a versatile solution for all businesses. 


The Product Overview article for Customer Facing Displays is here

How to Access

To access Customer Facing Displays: how to access

  • Login to Polygon Central
  • Choose Customer Facing Displays from the menu
  • Sub-menus available are:
    - Customer Facing Display
    - Advertisement Panes

Note: A Polygon Central user must be assigned a user Role with the following privileges in order to create and manage Customer Facing Displays:
Customer Facing Displays (View)
Customer Facing Displays  (Edit)
Advertisement Pane (View)
Advertisement Pane (Edit)

As items from the Advertisements section of Polygon Central as used to program the Advertisement Pane for a Customer Facing Display, the Polygon Central User may also need:

Access to Advertisements (update)
Access to Advertisements (view)


The profile and content for the Customer Facing Display programmed in Polygon Central is assigned to a peripheral programmed in the POS network in the Polygon POS Management database.  

You can learn how to program the peripheral in the Polygon POS Management database here.


Navigating the Customer Facing Display and Advertisement Pane Lists

Customer Facing Displays are comprised of both Customer Facing Display panes and Advertisement Panes.

As records are added, they can be accessed and maintained as follows:

  1. Use the Create .... button to set up a new item.
  2. Click on any column heading to sort by any column, an arrow will indicate if the current sort is ascending ­ or descending. Click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
  3. Click on Open Filters to open the filter bar (toggles to Close Filters):
  4. Use the Search field to search the list by Name.
  5. Visible Records:
    1. Increase the number of rows displayed on one page.
    2. Navigate multiple pages of status screen records.
  6. Use the edit icon to open a record and view or modify the details. You can also click anywhere on the record to open it.
    Note: only fields that are not ‘greyed out’ may be edited.
  7. Use the bin icon to delete a record from the system.


    Filtering the Customer Display List

    With the filter bar open, options to filter the Customer Displays are available. Filtering may be on:

    • ID (data entry field)
    • Name (data entry field)

    Note: The Open Filters option toggles to Close Filters once clicked.

    Filtering the Advertisement Panes List

    With the filter bar open, options to filter the order status panes are available. Filtering may be on:

    • ID (data entry field)
    • Name (data entry field)

    Note: The Open Filters option toggles to Close Filters once clicked.

    Considerations when Creating Customer Display Screens

    Before a Customer Display Screen can be configured you must configure the Advertisement Pane, and before the Advertisement Pane can be configured you will need to have Advertisements created.  Therefore, you will need to consider and create the required components in this order:

    • Advertisement(s)
    • Advertisement Pane(s) 
    • Customer Display Screen(s)

    You can find more information on creating Advertisements in this article:

    Creating an Advertisement Pane

    To add a new Advertisment Pane:

    • Use the Create Advertisement Pane button
    • Complete the form. The details below will assist you.
    • Use the Save button to save the status screen when finished.

    ad pane

    Complete these fields on the form. Fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be entered for the Advertisement Pane record to be saved successfully.

    Enter a unique name for this Advertisement Pane.  
    unique name
    Add/Remove Advertisements
    Use the Add/Remove Advertisements button to assign advertisements to this pane.
    Only those advertisements that have been programmed with the criteria applicable to Customer Facing Displays will be available in the list.
    Select the advertisements you want to be included, and use the Close button in the bottom right when done.
    add and remove
     ad list

    Creating a Customer Facing Display

    To add a new Customer Facing Display:

    • Use the Create Customer Facing Display button
    • Complete the form. The details below will assist you.
    • Use the Save button to save the Customer Facing Display when finished.

    save button

    Complete these fields on the form. Fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be entered for the Customer Facing Display record to be saved successfully.

    Enter a unique name for this Customer Facing Display
    Screen Orientation
    Orientation may be either:
    • Portrait 
    • Landscape
    Make a selection from the drop-down options.
    select language
    Sale Mode - Background Colour

    Use the colour selector to apply the representative colour that will be the background for the Customer Facing Display.

    Alternatively, if you know the HEX colour code required you can enter it in the Background Colour entry field.

    select colour

    Sale Mode Header 

    You may choose to include for the header of the display:

    • Logo (the logo will be centred on the real estate available for the header and the remainder will be rendered in the background colour chosen).
    • Image (the image should cover the entire real estate available to the header) 
    • Text (any text entered will be centred in the real estate available to the header).

    Make your selection from the drop-down options.  Further configuration options will be enabled as shown below according to the choice made.

    header type
    If you choose to include a logo in the header, use the Choose file button to select the relevant logo file.
    The available real estate for the header is 70px high.  The logo will scale proportionately if required.
    upload image
    If you choose to include an image in the header, use the Choose file button to select the relevant image.
    The available real estate for the header is 70px high.  The image will scale proportionately if required.
    If you want to simply have text as the header on the Customer Facing Display, enter the required text in the Header Text field (maximum 256 characters).
    Sale Mode Layout
    There are three pre-configured options for the layout on the Customer Facing Display when a sale is in progress.
    Use the relevant radio button to select the desired layout.
    sale mode layout
    Pane Type A & B
    You can now choose what content will be displayed in Pane A and Pane B.
    It is expected that one of the panes will be the Sale Pane, while the other will be the Advertisements Pane.
    In the Select Pane Type field, choose either:
    • Sale Pane
    • Advertisements Pane
    If Advertisements Pane is selected, you will then be required to select from the drop-down options in the Select Advertisements Pane one of the preconfigured Advertisement Panes.
    pane types
    Idle Pane
    When there is no sale in progress, the Customer Facing Display will present Idle Mode to the customer.
    The Idle Pane will cover the entire screen.  
    Select from the drop-down options in the Idle Pane field one of the preconfigured Advertisement Panes.
    idle pane
    Configuration - Use Theme Overrides
    Use Theme Overrides should only be enabled by Redcat Staff as provisioning is required.


    Article Change Log

    Date Record of Changes Author

    April 2023

    First publication of this article.
