Customer Lookup at POS

The Customer Lookup function at POS is inbuilt within the Sale Type functionality and will be presented for any Sale Type for which it is enabled.    To learn more about configuring Sale Types click here.

Please note, there are some configuration requirements in Polygon Central to enable the Customer Lookup at POS.

  • A Visitor cardset must be present - to learn more about cardsets in Polygon Central, click here.
  • Unique mobile numbers must be enforced in Polygon Central.  This setting is located  
    Polygon Central | Configuration | Loyalty | Member Registration DetailsEnforce Unique Mobile Numbers.
  • Further configuration in Polygon Central is required to allow customers to register a loyalty member using a mobile number already assigned to a 'visitor' record.
    - these settings are located
    Polygon Central | Configuration | Loyalty | Member Registration Details |  During registration, allow members to be merged based on mobile and
    Polygon Central | Configuration | Loyalty | Member Registration Details |  Transfer sales during registration process.

You may need to ask your Redcat contact to check the status of these settings for you and enable them if necessary as the configuration menu within Polygon Central is not generally exposed for client access and may required further configuration.

You may also choose to utilise the Customer Lookup function as required (that is, unlinked to any particular sale type).  To facilitate this, configuration is required within Polygon POS Management and details on this setting can be found here.  If enabled, the Customer Lookup will occur whenever a mobile number is entered into the Customer Details query.


How does Customer Lookup work?

Customer Lookup for Delivery Sale Type

What happens when details are changed on the Customer Details form?

Visitors can register as Members?

How does Customer Lookup work?

The Customer Lookup will always start with the request for the customer's mobile number and query the Polygon Central database:

  • If the mobile number matches a member record, the member details will be returned.
    customer details pickup order
  • If the mobile number does not match a member record, but does match a non-member record (from the visitor cardset) these details will be returned.
    pickup order details      
  • If the mobile number does not match any records in the Polygon Central database, the staff at POS have the opportunity to add the customer name.  
    They will be prompted to ask the customer if the POS should 'remember' the details.
    • If they select Remember details, the details will be posted to Polygon Central as a visitor record and the saved to the sale.
    • If the response is No the details will be included with the sale, but no record will be posted to Polygon Central.
      customer - save details

Customer Lookup for Delivery Sale Type

The Customer Lookup when used with the Delivery Sale Type includes the addition of the customer address.

customer lookup for delivery sale type

The address details can be changed if required using the QWERTY or Lookup buttons on the relevant fields.

  • If a change is made the POS staff member will be prompted to ask the customer if the POS should update the database record with the new address.
    • If Update Address is selected, the new address will be posted to the Polygon Central member/visitor record and included on the sale.
    • If the response is Skip the address will be included with this sale, but the original address will be retained on the Polygon Central member/visitor record.
      update address

What happens when details are changed on the Customer Details form?

Once the Customer Lookup provides data for the customer details form, the POS staff are able to use the QWERTY or Lookup buttons to change information in the fields.

This is what will occur if they do so:

  • Changing the customer address (in the delivery sale type) will prompt to save the change to the member/visitor record (see Customer Lookup for Delivery Sale Type).
  • Changing the customer name will include the new name in the current sale details but will NOT update the member/visitor record.
  • Changing the mobile number will trigger a new Customer Lookup and return data relevant to the member/visitor record associated with the new mobile number.

Visitors can register as Members!

If a casual customer consents to have the system 'remember' their details a non-member record is created from the visitor cardset.  If the customer later decides to join the loyalty program and registers as a member, the mobile number will be removed from the visitor cardset record and applied to the member record.

All future Customer Lookup queries from the POS on that mobile number will return the member record.





Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

November 2023

Prior to an update in November 2023, Member Verification by SMS was required to ensure that unique mobile numbers were enforced in the database.  This has been replaced with a separate configuration setting negating the need for Member Verification by SMS.

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