Cutoff Time Rules

This document will assist you to setup the Cutoff Time Rules for use with Catering in Online Ordering.



Accessing Cutoff Time Rules

Navigating the Cutoff Times Rules List

          Multi-Select Actions

          Deleting a Cutoff Time Rule         

Filtering the Cutoff Time Rules List

          Multi-selecting from a list

Creating and Updating Rules

          Updating Rules


Cutoff Time Rules determine how far in advance a customer needs to enter a Catering order – for example, you may require that a Catering order is entered before 3pm on the day prior to collection.

Further, you could layer Cutoff Time Rules so that:

  • Orders up to $100 are required before 3pm, 1 day prior
  • Orders $101 - $1000 are required before 11am, 1 day prior
  • Orders $1001 upwards are required before 3pm, 2 days prior

Cutoff Time Rules may be programmed:

  • To effect one or more Store Locations,
  • With a cutoff time (in hours before midnight),
  • With an optional lower $ value threshold

Accessing Cutoff Time Rules

To access the Cutoff Time Rules:

  • Login to Polygon Central
  • Choose Loyalty & Ordering in the menu
  • Now choose Cutoff Time Rules.

Navigating the Cutoff Times Rules List

As Cutoff Time Rules are added, they will be listed in the system as follows:

  1. Use the Create or Update Rules button to set up a Cutoff Time rule.
  2. Click on any column heading to sort by any column, and arrow will indicate if the current sort is ascending or descending. Click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
  3. Click on Open Filters to open the filter bar (toggles to Close Filters):
  4. Visible Records:
    1. Increase the number of rows displayed on one page.
    2. Navigate multiple pages of Cutoff Time records.
  5. You can click anywhere on a Cutoff Time rule to open and edit.
    Note: only fields that are not ‘greyed out’ may be edited and only then if the rule is not active.
  6. Use the select box to mark items as selected for actioning.

Multi-Select Actions

If multiple items are selected (see point 6 above) the multi-select action bar will be displayed.

The number of records selected will be shown, and the bin icon is available for use.

Deleting a Cutoff Time Rule

To delete a Cutoff Time Rule, you will need to tick the select box for that record (see point 6 above) and use the bin icon in the multi-select bar.

Filtering the Cutoff Time Rules List

With the filter bar open, (see point 3 above) options to filter the Cutoff Time rules are available. Filtering may be on:

  • Location (chosen from drop down options)
  • Lower Money Threshold (text entry field)

Note: The Open Filters option toggles to Close Filters once clicked.

Multi-selecting from a list

To multi-select items from a list you will click to select records as required, then click OFF THE LIST to insert your selections.

Creating and Updating Rules

To add a Cutoff Time rule:

  • Use the Create or Update Rules button
  • Complete the Create Cutoff Time Rules The details below will assist you.
  • Use the Submit button to save the Cutoff Time rule when finished.

Fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be entered for the rule to be saved successfully.


Select the required location(s) from the drop down list. This list is multi-select and you may choose more than one location. If you want to select all locations within a State, choose the State name.

Cutoff Time

This section allows the user to define the time that that Cutoff Time rule becomes active. Enter the number of hours before midnight that relate to the required cutoff time. For example, 4pm is 8 hours before midnight.

Lower Money Threshold

This section is optional and if left blank the cutoff time will apply to all Catering orders. If you enter a value here, the cutoff rule will apply when a Catering order reaches that value.

Updating Rules

Once a rule has been created the user is able to edit the rule by clicking anywhere on the rule.

Changes may not be made to the Location(s) and this field is disabled.


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

Jan 2023

Correct typo in Cut Off section.