Daypart Menus in OLO3


Daypart Menus allow businesses to automatically remove either individual menu items or entire submenus from their customer ordering platforms (web, app and kiosk) on specified days and during specified hours.

Items and submenus can be included on the menu in a disabled state or removed from the menu entirely.

A configurable time allowance can be applied to ensure that customers who add items to the cart close to the end of an availability period are not disappointed if the Daypart Menu expires before they finalise their order.

menu availability


To take advantage of Daypart Menus businesses must have transitioned to using MIM (Menu Information Manager) to program and publish to OLO3 (Online Ordering 3).

  • Polygon Central deployed after [date to be added after merge] is required.

How To Create Daypart Menus


You may need to confirm with your Redcat contact that all configuration settings are applied as required.

These options are not generally exposed to Admin users.

Settings are located:

Configuration | Menu Management| Daypart Menu

  • Do you want to Hide Unavailable Items on the menu?  If not, these items will be displayed in a for the customer to see although they will not be able to add them to the cart.
  • Do you want to Hide Unavailable Submenus on the menu?  If not, the submenu will be displayed for customers to see although all items will be disabled.
  • What should the Time Allowance After End Time be?  This is how long the customer will have to finalise their order after an item already in the cart becomes unavailable.

Apply Daypart Menu Days | Times 

You now need to ensure that scheduled availability days and|or times are included for the applicable items and submenus.

You can find the instructions on how to do this in these articles.



The following must be considered for Daypart Menus:

  • The menu displayed for the customer is valid for the current day/time and this may impact future-dated orders.  For example, if the active menus are only the lunch offering, a customer will not be able to access the dinner menu to place a future-dated order for tomorrow night.
  • If an Item included in a Choice Set is unavailable, the customer will still be able to select it as a choice but will be advised when the cart is validated that the 'item/ingredient is no longer available'.
  • If an item that forms part of a Composite Item is unavailable, the customer will still be able to select it as a choice but will be advised when the cart is validated that the 'item/ingredient is no longer available'.


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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

June 2024

First publication of this article.

S Black