Deliveroo Integration


Polygon POS Management Configuration

Apply the Integration

Price Levels

Menu Synchronisation


The integration pushes Menus and Trading Times to Deliveroo and when orders are placed these are recorded in Polygon Central to be sent to the POS.

This document will help you integrate into Deliveroo using their API v2.

To utilise the functionality described in this article, a Polygon Central deployment later than [TBA post merge] is required.

Polygon POS Management Configuration

The Redcat Deliveroo integration pushes menu data to Deliveroo and validates orders received against this data.

Therefore, programming in the BOH must be completed as per Polygon Customer Ordering.


All PLUs to be sold via Deliveroo should:

  • Be tagged as a Customer Ordering PLU
  • Have the relevant Ingredients programmed if further choices or modifications are available for the PLU.  Instructions and modifiers included for the PLU in the Deliveroo sale will be validated against this list.
  • Contain a link to the relevant customer ordering image
    Note: there may be a delay for new images to be visible for customers as they need to pass through an approval process with Deliveroo.


Deliveroo has provided the following specifications to ensure that images are successfully displayed on the menu.

  • File type = jpg, png
  • 1920 x 1080 pixels, 16:9 aspect ratio


Keypads should:

  • Be created, one for each Category of menu items.
  • Be tagged as a Customer Ordering Keypad

This keypad is the one that will be assigned as the integration menu for Deliveroo in Polygon Central.  The integration menu assignment is not generally exposed to Admin users and will need to be set by your Redcat contact.  The setting is located:

Configuration | Ordering | Integration Menus | Deliveroo Ordering Menu

Enable Settings

Deliveroo will need to be enabled in the default system settings (use the Apply to All option if relevant) and in the system settings for the relevant POS location(s).

To do this:

  • Access Polygon POS Management.
  • Access the Default Location System Settings (or POS Location System Settings as appropriate).
  • Place a tick in the Enable the Deliveroo web menu ordering module box under External System Settings | Web Menu Ordering Interfaces | Deliveroo.
  • Ensure the Interface API root URL is completed with /api/v1/interfaces/deliveroo

Applying the (Default) POS Location Setting will enable Deliveroo as an option in the External Web Menu Ordering Interfaces on the POS Location Details form.

  • Open the POS Location Details form for the relevant location.
  • Place a tick in Deliveroo.

Apply the Integration

Now that the setup is complete, the final step is to assign the store for Deliveroo integration.

Admin users will need to be assigned the following User Role:

  • Deliveroo 

You can learn more about User Roles in this article.

Assign Stores to Deliveroo Integration

The stores available to the Deliveroo Integration for ordering must be assigned in Polygon Central. 

To do this:

  • Access Polygon Central | Integrations | Deliveroo
  • Use the Add Integration button to add the locations that will accept orders from Deliveroo.
    • Choose the relevant location from the Locations List drop down.
    • Enable the Use V2 Integration option.
    • If you wish to use a specific brand image as the header for this Deliveroo store, enable the Use A Virtual Brand Image option, then enter the relevant URL path in the Virtual Brand Image URL field. The URL entered must be a secure https:// site. 
      • If you do not utilise the Use A Virtual Brand Image option, the header image displayed for the Deliveroo store will be the image assigned in the global Deliveroo Integration configuration.
  • Use the Submit button to save.
Note: a menu export will be pushed to Deliveroo whenever the integration record is saved.

Price Levels

The Deliveroo integration can be configured to operate a specified price level if Deliveroo online orders should utilise a different price point to normal POS sales.

This needs to be configured in Polygon Central and can be found at the following location.

Polygon Central | Loyalty & Ordering | Price Levels


Menu Synchronisation

Once Polygon Central has the connections configured, menu updates can be published to Deliveroo as required.

From Polygon POS Management

This can be done from within Polygon POS Management | POS Updates | Web Menu Interfaces tab.

Ensure that the correct location(s) is selected, a tick has been placed next to Deliveroo and use the Publish Update to Web Menu Interfaces.

Note: Publishing the menu will queue the export in the task schedule – there is no reporting of configuration or timeout errors.  This is, however, the easiest method of publishing the menu to multiple or all locations.

From Polygon Central

You can publish the web menu for a single store integration to Deliveroo from Polygon Central | Integrations | Deliveroo.

  • Open the relevant store integration record.
  • Use the Submit button - this will publish the menu and save the integration record.

Limitations with the Deliveroo Menu Export

When programming, please be aware of the following limitations with the Deliveroo integration.

  • Max # per item:  This is not supported for OLO2. The item max value is ignored. 
  • Nested Ingredients: Although this is a feature of OLO3, Deliveroo does not support multiple selection of the same nested item.  This means for a double pizza deal you cannot choose Hawaiian for both pizzas using the + button.  Instead you will need to program two choice sets - pizza 1 and pizza 2 where both contain a complete set of available pizzas.
  • Free Choices: Deliveroo has a limitation with ‘free choices’ for PLU ingredients. 
    • OLO2: If the customer is not to be charged for choices, the Free # value must be equal to the Max # value for the choice set.
    • OLO3: Redcat provides a modified version of choice sets in the menu export.  For example:  If a choice set is "choose 4, 2 are free" two choice sets will be displayed on Uber - one for the selection of 2 free choices, and the other for the selection of 2 priced choices.
  • Sizes: To deal with sizes.
    • OLO2: Placeholder PLUs @ $0.00 will need to be utilised for sizes. 
    • OLO3: Composite items are successfully passed to Deliveroo.
  • Default choices: Default choices will not be applied on the Deliveroo menu presented to the customer.





Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

October 2024

A new article detailing the integration using Deliveroo's API V2.

S Black

December 2024

Updated to include assigning a Virtual Brand image as the header image for each Deliveroo store integration, if desired.

S Black