Device Redirection

Redirecting device output from device to another may be desirable at certain time of the day, for instance over the busy lunch period there may be two staff members each operating at a ‘make bench’ and different POS terminals are sending production dockets to one or other of the benches.  Later in the afternoon when there is only one make bench in operation the dockets which would usually go to the second bench can be redirected to print at the first bench.  

Similarly, if hardware failure means that a printer is out of commission, the dockets that would usually go that that printer can be redirected to another printer.


Setup Device Redirection

Toggle Device Redirection

 Setup Device Redirection

  • Choose the Admin button on the toolbar.

admin button

  • Enter your password.
  • Select Hardware from the Admin menu.


  • Then choose the Production Redirection button.

production redirection

  • In the This POS Terminal Device list, highlight the Source device you want the redirection FROM

This POS Terminal Device

  • In the Target Devices list, highlight the Target device you want to redirect TO
    • Available device redirection options are;
      • Receipt printer to receipt printer (on another POS terminal). 
        This can be any combination of serial or network receipt printers. 
      • Production printer to production printer (on this POS terminal or another POS terminal).
        This can be any combination of serial or network production printers. 
      • Production printer (serial or network) to KMS role
      • KMS role to production printer (serial or network)
      • KMS role to KMS role

Target devices

  • Press the Add Redirection button; your selection will appear below in the Redirected Devices list.

Add Redirection

  • In the Redirected Devices list, check the Type against the redirected printer.  This is a drop down field where you can select either:
    • Global (will redirect device output from sales entered any POS terminal on the network that are originally targeted to this source device).
    • Local (will only redirect device output for sales entered at this POS terminal from the source device).

redirection type

  • Press OK to save the redirection.

Toggle Device Redirection

If this re-direction is turned on and off frequently you can use the Toggle Redirection functionality.

  • When viewing the redirected device list highlight the redirection and press the Set Toggle Redirection button. 

set toggle redirection

  • Once set there will be a tick in the Toggle column under Redirection Status

toggle enabled

  • With toggle redirection enabled you change between using the default & the redirected devices for production output from the logon screen. 

logon screen toggle

NOTE: There can only be one toggle direction set per POS terminal at a time


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

March 2023

Updated: Change wording from printers to devices

J Rodd

March 2023

Updated: Added available device redirection options

J Rodd

March 2023

Updated: Updated screenshots reflecting changes in this window

J Rodd

March 2023

Updated: Added toggle redirection functionality

J Rodd