Drive-Through Car Identification (Overview)

This article is the product overview for Drive-Through Car Identification available for use with Polygon POS and Customer Ordering Displays.


The Car Identification function aims to enhance the accuracy of order matching to vehicles placed by customers in a Drive-Through environment.  This is achieved by capturing vehicle license plate information at the speaker box and presenting it at the POS and KMS.

The captured information can be used when recalling orders at the payment window and identifying parked cars at bays.  This ensures that customers are charged correctly for their orders and receive the dishes they ordered.

By providing accurate information, staff can improve customer service and ensure higher accuracy in order matching.



Key Features

Car identification applies to all Drive-Through environments, but its benefits are particularly useful for businesses that operate multi-lane venues.  This technology helps improve accuracy in payment processing and ensures that orders are correctly delivered to the intended vehicles.

In addition, businesses can receive valuable data that can be used to track Drive-Through efficiency and make informed decisions to enhance customer service.



Use Cases

Any installation where license plate data is passed via API to Redcat for inclusion at POS and KMS.




To utilise Drive-Through Car Identification, the following versions are required.

Polygon POS Management: 2403.18.1 or later
Polygon POS Terminal: 2403.18.1 or later
Polygon Central: 2.0.380 or later

Clients wishing to utilise Drive-Through Car Identification must:
  • have a Polygon POS installation at the store 
  • have at least one Customer Ordering Display programmed


Would you like to use Drive-Through Car Identification?

To learn more about Drive-Through Car Identification including supported LPR vendors contact your account manager or call us on:

  • Australia 1300 4 REDCAT (1300 473 322), or 
  • UK Toll Free 808 0808 189 3396.



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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

October 2023

First publication of this article.

S Black

April 2024

Added Related Articles section.
Updated versions to reflect later version needed for Recall License Plate functionality.

S Black