Exception Alerts

It is possible to configure Exception Alerts within Polygon Central and have the alerts issued to nominated staff by email.

Automated alerts provide businesses with relevant data which allows them to monitor and control operational transactions and functions.

Generally, if you can obtain the data via reporting in Polygon Central an alert can be created for it.  When an alert is issued, a report containing the alert data will be attached to the email.

Alerts are generally configured utilising KPI factors - POS Exceptions, variances, etc.

Listed below are some examples.

You could receive an email when:

  • A refund is issued at POS for more than $30.
  • More than 3 refunds are issued at POS by the same user on the same day.
  • The No Sale button at POS is used more than 10 times by the same user on the same day.
  • The variance when processing the reset at POS is equal to or greater than $10.
  • A reset has not been performed for the POS location.
  • More than 5 sales are associated with the same member on the same day.

How do I setup Exception Alerts?

If you would like exception alerts configured, please contact your Redcat account manager to discuss your specific requirements.

You will need:

  • A list of the desired alerts.
  • Your required email distribution list.
  • How often you would like to run the job to scan for alerts. We are happy to discuss the timing of the alerts as this could be anywhere from every 30 minutes to once a day.