KMS: Exiting

The Exit button closes this Kitchen Display Window.  If orders are currently assigned to this KMS device you will be prompted to either Release Jobs or Keep Jobs.  

Keep Jobs

Selecting Keep Jobs will save the current order queue for this KMS device.  The current orders will not be moved to another display.   Those current orders will only become visible again when this kitchen display is reopened.

Release Jobs

Selecting Release Jobs will release the current jobs from this KMS device.  The released orders will be reassigned to any other KMS devices which are on-line and sharing the same role as this device.  

If no other KMS devices are available that meet this criterion, the outstanding orders will be sent to the Pending Jobs File.  If these jobs are still pending when the original KMS device comes back online they will be automatically reclaimed by the original KMS.

Having unassigned jobs in the Pending Jobs File will set the network health indicator to yellow on any other kitchen displays.  Clicking the yellow network health icon will display the Pending Jobs File where unassigned jobs can be reclaimed.   

To learn how to do this, click here.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Actioner

Dec 2022

With KMS Refactor, released jobs will be automatically reclaimed by the original KMS device if again becomes online and the released jobs are still present in the Pending Jobs File.