Feedback Loops (User Guide)


Feedback Loops empowers restaurants to effortlessly gather feedback from members who place food orders via their app or web platform.  The feedback process is designed for speed and simplicity, ensuring members can share their dining experiences without hassle.

This valuable feedback data catalyses restaurants to enhance food quality, improve service, and elevate amenities, boosting customer satisfaction and fostering loyalty.    

The Product Overview article for Feedback Loops is here.


How does it work?

Feedback Loops can be configured to issue a survey link to a member after the completion of an online order.    

Members are asked to rate:

  • the overall order (recorded against the location)
  • the menu items ordered
  • the delivery (if the order was a white label or client-managed delivery)
 You can configure:
  • the sale types that will attract a feedback survey (you might want to include Pickup and Delivery but exclude Dine In)
  • the time elapsed between the completion of the order and the issuing of the feedback survey (you want the member to have time to receive and consume the order)
  • the frequency of feedback surveys (should a member receive a feedback survey after each order, every 5 orders, every 10 orders etc)
  • the expiration of the feedback survey (how long does the member have to complete the survey before the link expires?)
  • if the member is rewarded with a coupon for completing the feedback survey
  • the menu items be excluded from the feedback survey (you might want to exclude instructions and choices like Adds, Extras and Mods)
Members can be notified of a feedback survey via the following notification methods.  If all notification methods are enabled they will be prioritised in this order:
  • Push notification 
    Members must have allowed notifications for the app on their device
  • SMS 
    Members must have opted in to receive SMS
  • Email 
    Members must have opted in to receive email.

The member will only receive one (1) notification for the survey. 

If a push notification can be sent, the member will not additionally get an SMS and email. 

If a push notification is not possible, the member profile contains a mobile number and the member has opted in to receive SMS, the member will get an SMS but not an email.

If the member has opted out for SMS but has opted in to receive email, they will get the feedback survey link in an email.

If a member has declined push notifications and opted out of SMS and email they will not receive any invitation to complete a feedback survey.

If a member has the app installed, the link will open the survey form in the app.  If the member does not have the app installed, the link will open the survey form in the web loyalty portal.


The Survey Form

The feedback survey form is presented to members in four (4) sections:

survey form

  • Overall rating for the order | restaurant
    - star rating (1-5 stars)
    - optional feedback text box
  • Rating for the menu items
    - thumbs up | down rating per item
    - optional feedback text box per item
  • Rating for delivery (if applicable)
    - thumbs up | down rating
    - optional feedback text box
  • Thanks for the feedback!

Rate Order

While the feedback survey for an order is still within the valid time range, members can access the feedback form from within the Past Orders section of the app or the loyalty web portal.

  • Click on an order to display the details
  • Use the Rate Order button to open the feedback form.

rate order
Note: The Rate Order button will be hidden when the survey has expired.


The following reports are available in Polygon Central for Feedback Loops.

They are located under Reports | Feedback Reports.

  • Summary By Location (overall star rating)

  • Summary by PLU (menu item rating)

  • Summary by Delivery Provider (white label & client-managed delivery only)

  • Detailed Feedback by Location (overall star rating)

  • Detailed Feedback by PLU (menu item rating)

  • Detailed Feedback by Delivery Provider (white label & client-managed delivery only) 



The configuration required to set up and customise the Feedback Loops surveys is located in a section of Polygon Central not generally exposed to Admin users.  You should contact your Redcat Contact for assistance setting up your Feedback Loops.

The settings are located:

  • Polygon Central | Configuration | Feedback Loops


  • Feedback Loops are not available for the sale type Table Service (105)
  • Feedback surveys are only issued to loyalty members, they are not available for Guest Orders.
  • Only verified members can access the Rate Order button in the Past Order section.

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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

June 2024

First publication of this article.

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