Geo Shape validation at Polygon POS (Overview)

This article provides information on Geo Shape filtering & address validation at Polygon POS for the Delivery Sale Type.


Key Features

Why should you use this functionality?

Use Cases


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The Geo Shapes used to define your delivery area(s) and applicable delivery fees for online ordering can now also be leveraged to validate delivery addresses and assign fees based on distance from the store. 

This new solution which utilises Google Maps APIs, offers advanced filtering and validation capabilities, ensuring that delivery addresses are accurate and delivery fees are correctly assigned based on the distance from the store. This feature significantly reduces the possibility of incorrect information being entered into the POS, leading to a more streamlined and efficient ordering process for all parties involved.



Key Features

This feature builds upon the current delivery address input capabilities available at the POS. Users simply enter an address, which is then validated using Google Maps APIs to ensure it is a valid address and within your designated Geo Shapes.  The relevant information, including the delivery fee, is then returned to the POS.  It's important to note that the validation process only occurs after the complete address has been entered, and there is no auto-filling of addresses as characters are input. Additionally, this functionality only manages delivery fees and does not apply to other types of fees, such as surcharges.



Why should you use this functionality?

The Geo Shape filtering and address validation feature can benefit businesses whose customers place delivery orders over the phone. 

By using the Google Maps APIs to validate delivery addresses, this feature helps to ensure that orders are delivered to the correct location. The accurate assignment of delivery fees based on distance from the store can also help to reduce errors and ensure that customers are charged correctly, which can help to improve customer trust and loyalty and reduce lost revenue for the business.

For pizza stores and other businesses specialising in delivery orders, this functionality can help streamline their ordering processes, reduce errors, and improve their overall delivery operations.




Use Cases

This functionality is designed to validate a delivery address entered at POS and match that delivery address with a Geo Shape programmed in Polygon Central.  Valid addresses that match a Geo Shape will be returned to POS with the delivery fee that applies to the relevant Geo Shape.




If you want to utilise this functionality, you will need to have Geo Shapes configured in Polygon Central.

You can read more about programming and configuring Geo Shapes here.

There is a configuration setting in your Polygon POS Management database that will need to be enabled and your Redcat contact can assist with this.

You will need the versions listed below:

  • Polygon Central  2.0.394 or later

  • Polygon POS Management 2307.14.1 or later

  • Polygon POS 2311.15.1 or later



I want to use this!

To learn more about this functionality or for help with implementing it, contact your account manager or:

  • call 1300 4 REDCAT (1300 473 322) in Australia, or
  • call 808 0808 189 3396 toll-free in the UK.


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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

September 2023

First publication of this article.