Helpdesk: Access Overview


Polygon Central provides access to summary information collected by the Redcat Helpdesk application.

Data available falls into three categories:

  • Remote Location Manager
  • Logs
  • Call Summary



Tools to Assist

Sorted Reporting Data

Related Articles


To access these functions, login to Polygon Central and choose Helpdesk from the menu.

Note: Access to the Helpdesk section is included by default in the Enterprise User Role, otherwise the user must be assigned the role Helpdesk (view).









Tools to Assist

A set of tool buttons are available at the right side of the screen to allow you to:

  Search the displayed data

                      Refresh the displayed data

                     Toggle between LIST view and TABLE view

                    Edit the fields displayed.

The tool buttons located at the left side of the screen will allow you to Get the records for a changed selection criteria, and download the resulting dataset in .csv format.

Sorting reported data

Data returned in reports can be sorted by clicking the arrows next to the column heading. Clicking again will change the sort order from ascending to descending and vice versa.

Sort is not active on this column.

Reported data will be displayed governed by the descending order of this column.

Reported data will be displayed governed by the ascending order of this column

Related Articles

Helpdesk: Remote Location Manager

Helpdesk: View Support Logs

Helpdesk: Call Summary