Helpdesk: Remote Location Manager


The Remote Location Manager displays logged information on data flow between BOH applications and POS locations.


Selection Criteria

Reported Data

Related Articles

Selection Criteria

selection criteria

The selection criteria will allow you to choose to view data for all stores, an individual store, or you can choose a subset of store by holding the Ctrl key while selecting the stores from the list.

You may choose to view logs originating from either the BOH or POS executables. You may also choose to view logs regarding RCSINET, which is the program used by Redcat staff to setup a POS terminal in store.

Choose the Start Date and End Date of the data you wish to view.

To view only logs pertaining to particular versions of the software, you can enter data in the Release function. Use the drop down box to select relevant symbol, and then enter the release number. For example, choosing >= and entering 1905.11.1 will return all logs which were stamped by version 1905.11.1 or greater.

When you are satisfied with the selection criteria you have entered, use the Get Records Now button to execute your query.

Reported Data

reported data

The set of reported data displayed can be configured using the Columns button from the Page Tools.

Available fields are:


The date of the data log


The time of the data log


The ownership of the entity – either corporate (HQ store) or the name of the partner (franchise database name)


The name of the store/location

Data Direction

The arrows will indicate if the data flow is UPLOAD up or DOWNLOAD down


If this column will indicate if the store is in Quarantine (set by HQ)


Indicates that the transferred data was a SALES reset tick


Indicates that the transferred data was a DATABASE UPDATE tick


Indicates that the transferred data was a SOFTWARE UPDATE tick

Size KB

Lists the size of the data transfer in kilobytes


Lists the time taken to complete the transfer


Indicates which executable the logged the data transfer


Lists the release number (version) of the executable which logged the transfer


User logged into Redcat application at time of transfer / windows user active at time of transfer


The name of the computer on which the transfer occurred


The location number as defined in the BOH database

Store ID

The store ID as defined in the BOH database


Indicates if transfer occurred using HTTP or HTTPS


If log is from a POS terminal the version of the loader program which launches the POS software


The version of Production Monitor software running at POS if available


The version of Print Spooler ancillary software running at the POS

Task Mgr

The version of Task Manager ancillary software running at the POS


The version of EFTPOS Manager ancillary software running at the POS


Displays the version of Firebird installed on the POS terminal


The version of KMS (Kitchen Management System) ancillary software running at the POS if available

SmartOrder URL

Displays the SmartOrder URL accessed by the POS Terminal if activated

Ordering Mgr

The version of SmartOrder ancillary software running at the POS (if available)

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Helpdesk: Access Overview

Helpdesk: View Support Logs

Helpdesk: Call Summary