KMS: Incoming Order Sound Alerts

To ensure that orders are not missed, an audio alert can be activated to play when an order is received.  

A different alert can be configured to play to:

  • alert for live (real-time) orders
  • alert for normal orders (as sales are saved at the POS)
  • alert for online orders (as these orders generally do not coincide with a customer standing in the store)

 You can customise these alerts by providing your own .wav files if you want.

The .wav files must reside in the c:\redcat\BinSN directory of the master terminal, and while you can use any .wav file, the naming convention must be:

Normal Sound: POSALERT.WAV

Only users who have Polygon Paperless Kitchen - Application Wide Permissions | System Settings enabled in their POS Staff security role will be able to access these settings.  You can learn more about settings these permissions here

To set and/or test the audio alerts:

  • Access the System Settings button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • In the Other | Troubleshooting menu, navigate to the Incoming Orders Sound Alerts section.
    • place a tick against Enable Alert for those you want to apply
    • use the Test Alert buttons to hear the sound(s)

incoming order alerts

Please note: If you have sound alerts enabled for both Live orders and Normal orders, the live order alert will sound when the live order is received at the KMS, and the normal order alert will also sound when the live order is transitioned to a timed order.

You can learn more about Real-Time Production Orders (Live Orders) in these articles.


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2023

Included sound alert for Real-Time Production Orders (Live Orders).