Kiosk Welcome Screen per Location


Customers are able to customise and deploy unique kiosk home screen designs per location within their network. This will allow for targeted advertising, brand promotion, and location-specific content.

Configuration options have been added in Polygon Central to allow users to specify the locations for each Kiosk Welcome Screen advertisement.

This is particularly useful when different advertisements apply to locations based on criteria (brand, state, etc.).  For example, ads for specific brands can be allocated only to the stores that cater to that brand. 

Use Cases 

The feature is suitable for:

  • any business wanting to apply customised advertisements to the Welcome screen of kiosks in different locations.


To take advantage of this functionality businesses must be licensed for Polygon Online Ordering but may be using either the OLO2 or OLO3 platforms.

  • Polygon Central deployed after 26 August 2024 is required.

How do I set this up?

The advertisements for the Kiosk Welcome Screens will be programmed in Polygon Central in Loyalty & Ordering | Advertisements.

You can find more details on programming advertisements in the linked article below.

Your advertisement will be created in the following format:

  • Display:  Kiosk
  • Type:  Post
  • Section: Welcome

In the Other Rules section make sure you select the relevant locations - this is a multi-select field, so click on the required locations and then click off the field to save the selections.

Leaving the location field blank equates to 'all locations'.  This would make the advertisement the default welcome screen for all kiosks that do not have a welcome screen advertisement specifically mapped. 

Note: If more than one Kiosk Welcome Screen advertisement is created with no location assignment, the last record created (the record with the highest ID number) will be used as the default. 

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Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

July 2024

First publication of this article.

S Black

August 2024

Updated to include the relevant Polygon Central deployment date.

S Black