KMS: Label Printing

Introduced in September 2023, Label Printing can be utilised in Paperless Kitchen within Polygon POS installations.


Use Cases


Polygon POS Management Configuration

Assigning the Bag Label Printer

Printing the Bag Labels

Cold Item Alert on Bag Labels

Reprinting Bag Labels

Item Labels

Related Functionality


Label Printing is a feature within Polygon Paperless Kitchen that allows restaurants to print labels with order information for different kitchen sections to improve the accuracy and efficiency of packing orders.

The labels can be printed for individual items on a strike or serve, or for the required number of bags when you serve orders.  You can then attach the labels to the corresponding package or container to reduce mistakes when packing orders and to the bagged orders to identify the contents and to ensure that nothing is missed.

This feature was developed mainly for off-premise orders to be placed on the boxes or bags but can also be used for dine-in orders.


Use Cases

The Label Printing function is designed to cover the following use cases:
  • The printing of Item Labels when a strike or bump from KMS occurs. 
  • The printing of Bag Labels
    • on serve from a designated KMS role
    • only for specified sale types


To utilise Label Printing, the following versions are required.
  • Polygon POS Management: 2309.20.1 or later 
  • Polygon POS Terminal: 2311.15.1 or later
  • Polygon Intelligent Production Display:  2311.15.2 or later
Clients wishing to utilise Label Printing must:
  • have a Polygon POS installation at the store
  • be using the Polygon Paperless kitchen management system for production output.

Printers suitable for this functionality are:

  • Item Labels
    Zebra ZD410/411 using Label Report Type 55mm x 28mm
  • Bag Labels
    Espon TM-L90

Label Printing Configuration

Before you can use Label Printing configuration and programming are required in your Polygon POS Management database.

You can read the article with details of the required configuration settings and programming for Label Printing here.

    Assigning the Bag Label Printer

    On the KMS device at which you will pack and serve the orders, you will need to assign the Bag Label printer.

    To do this:

    • Choose the System Settings button on the toolbar
    • Navigate to Workflow | Bag Labels in the menu
    • Use the picklist button to display the list of available Printers and select the printer that will print the bag labels.
    • Use the OK button to save the setting.

    system settings

    Printing the Bag Labels

    If a Bag Label printer is assigned to the KMS and the sale type is set to prompt, you will automatically be asked to enter the number of bag labels required when the order is served.

    printing bag labels

    • Enter the required number of bag labels using the + and - buttons and choose OK
    • If no labels are required for this order, use the No Bags Required button.

    Bag labels include:

    • Date
    • Time
    • Customer Name (if applicable)
    • Order Number (including the programmed order header text)
    • Bag Count (bag number / total bags)
    • Label 1/x will also include the list of items in the sale 

    bag count 1  bag count 2

    Cold Item Alert on Bag Labels

    If there are one or more items in the sale that are tagged as Cold Items, an alert is printed on the Bag Label to let staff know that items for this order may be in cold storage and not present on the server bench.

    cold item alert

    Reprinting Bag Labels

    If you need to reprint Bag Labels you can:

    • Use the Recall Order, Recall Last or Browse Orders (if recalling of orders is disabled) button to access the Served Orders file.
    • Highlight the order for which you want to reprint the bag labels and use the Print Bag Labels button to present the prompt.
    • Enter the required Number of Bags and choose OK.

    reprinting bag labels

    Item Labels

    Item Labels can be printed by assigning the label printer to any of the configurable print options available for KMS.

    • Push to Print
    • Print Upon Item Strike
    • Print on Demand
    • Auto-Print
    • Simultaneous Push to Role | Print

    You can find out more about the configurable print options for KMS in these articles:

    KMS: Printing Options

    KMS: Simultaneous Push to Role | Print

    Item Labels include:

    • Order Number 
    • Logo (if complex item labels are enabled)
    • Item Count (item number / total items)
    • Sale Type
    • One parent PLU and instructions per label 

    item labels

      Related Functionality

      These articles will provide more information on functionality that is complementary to Label Printing.




      Article Change Log

      Date Record of Changes Author

      September 2023

      First publication of this article

      S Black

      October 2023

      Updated the required versions to match the versions released to production.

      S Black