KMS: Label Printing - Configuration

This article will assist with the configuration required to implement Label Printing for use with Paperless Kitchen.

Enable and Configure Labels for Paperless Kitchen

Enable Bag Label prompts per Sale Type

Configure Label Printers

Tag Cold Item PLUs

Detailed below are the configuration and programming required to implement Label Printing for the Paperless Kitchen network.

Enable and Configure Labels for Paperless Kitchen

To utilise Bag Labels within the Paperless Kitchen network, the setting must be enabled in the Polygon POS Management database and details for the label format completed.

The following settings apply:

  • Enable Bag Labels needs to be on to activate the feature in your Paperless Kitchen network.
  • You can determine the text to be printed as your Bag Label Header (maximum 20 characters)
  • You can change the format slightly for Item Labels by turning on Use Complex Item Labels.  Each item label will include your logo and the size of the order number font will be increased. Note that the logo will have to be uploaded directly to the printer.

You can see how and where to apply these settings here.

Enable Bag Label prompts per Sale Type

The KMS device will prompt for the required number of Bag Labels only for those Sale Types that have the setting Enable Bag Label Prompt in Paperless Kitchen enabled in your Polygon POS Management database. 

You can learn more about how to enable the Bag Label prompt for Sale Types here.

Configure Label Printers

The label printers will need to be programmed into the POS Location Hardware tree in your Polygon POS Management database so that they can be selected from the list of available printers at the KMS devices.

You can learn more about programming the printers as peripheral devices 
(production printers) in your POS Network File here.

Tag Cold Item PLUs

You can add a 'cold item' tag to PLUs in the Polygon POS Management database and the KMS will add an indicator on the Bag Label if one or more items in the sale contain that tag.

You can learn more about programming PLUs including the Cold Item tag here.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

September 2023

First publication of this article

S Black