KMS: Merging Cards for the same order

Sometimes an order that has already been sent to production is recalled at the POS and additional items are added, or items are removed or modified.  This can result in two order list boxes displayed on the KMS for the same order.

You can choose to have your system merge the order list box cards if this occurs and indicate added, removed or modified items.

A configuration setting will need to be applied in the Polygon POS Management database to Enable Paperless Kitchen Update to Edited Sales.

You can find instructions on how to enable this setting here.

Merged Cards

Two cards for the same order can only occur when a sale is recalled at POS and additional items are added after the sale has already been sent to production. 

If your system is configured to merge cards, and the KMS role has two cards that belong to the same order the following rules apply:

  • the additional items are displayed on the card underneath the original items separated by a line break.
  • if a sale is recalled and additional items are entered more than once, each subsequent set of additions will be added to the bottom of the original card separated by a line break each time.
  • items removed from the sale will be listed on the merged card with a 0 quantity and strikethough applied.
  • items where the qty has increased or decreased will be listed with a green upward facing or red downward facing arrow.
  • if a merged card contains more items than will fit on the real estate available to a card, the order will snake onto the next list box card.
  • the time elapsed will remain that of the original (oldest) card.
  • the position of the card on the screen will be determined by the time elapsed.
  • if a sale has already been served from the KMS, a list box card with additional items for that sale is received and the original sale is recalled by the KMS, the cards will merge and the time elapsed will be relevant to the original card.
  • if you have intelligent parking enabled, an order is parked, and another card is received for that order it will be merged with the parked order.
  • once two cards are merged, they cannot be unmerged.
  • a live order will not be immediately merged with an existing list box card - it will however be shown with the designation editing while the sale is amended at the POS and merged with the existing list box card when saved or finalised.

 merged cards

merged cards 2

Related Functionality

You can find more information about related functionality here.

Real-Time Production Orders (Overview)
Real-Time Production Orders (User Guide)




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2023

First publication of this article.

Susan B

December 2023

It was updated to include indications for Editing of sales where a KMS card already exists while in live order mode and amendments to original items.

Susan B