KMS: Order by Payment Status


In some restaurant environments, customers are not required to pay for their order when it is placed, rather the sale can be finalised while the kitchen is preparing the order or when they pick it up.  As the payment process occurs outside the kitchen, the kitchen staff need to know in real-time whether the customers have paid so they can prioritise the orders accordingly.  This helps improve the efficiency and accuracy of the kitchen operation and increases customer satisfaction by ensuring that the orders are delivered on time and correctly.

To facilitate this, kitchen staff can now view the payment status of every order on the KMS, and adjust their workflow based on that information. This way, they can avoid confusion, errors, and delays in their order processing.  


What is Ordering by Payment Status?

When Ordering by Payment Status is enabled, each order displayed on a Paperless Kitchen device displays the payment status of that order. 
Payment status can be:
  • Live: Orders that are currently being entered at the POS. This is especially relevant for drive-through restaurants, where the speed of service is essential and the payment might only occur at the payment window a few minutes after placing the order.
  • Saved: Orders where entry the entry of items has been completed but the customer has not yet paid. This can again be relevant in drive-through stores, or in venues where customers can place online orders and pay on collection.
  • Paid: Orders where the sale has been completely finalised. 
Orders on the KMS will be grouped according to the payment status and with the following prioritisation:
Priority 1 = Paid
Priority 2 = Saved
Priority 3 = Live
Orders of the same status will be further sorted in order of oldest start time to newest and configuration is available to apply colour coding to different payment statuses.
As the payment status of an order changes (from Live to Saved or Paid and from Saved to Paid) the order list box may change position on the KMS accordingly.
For example, in a multi-lane drive-through environment, the car arriving at the single payment window may be in front of the car whose order was saved first - this order with a Paid status will jump ahead of the order that still has a Saved payment status.


Use Cases 

This functionality can be used when:

  • The reordering of KMS list boxes based on order payment status (Paid | Saved | Live) is required.
  • The payment status of an order needs to be easily identifiable on the KMS to avoid staff at the servery or pass delivering an order that the customer has not yet paid for.
  • Colour coding of KMS orders to easily reflect the order payment status is needed. 



To utilise Order by Payment Status, the following versions are required.  It is supported for Polygon POS installations only.
  • Polygon POS Management: 2312.13.1 or later (TBC after production release)
  • Polygon POS Terminal: 2310.11.1 or later (TBC after production release)
  • Polygon Intelligent Production Display:  2309.27.1 or later (TBC after production release)


How to Enable Order By Payment Status

To have KMS automatically sort orders by payment status a configuration setting must first be enabled in the Polygon POS Management database.
To do this:
  • Access Polygon POS Management
  • Access the POS Location Settings (or Default Location Settings as appropriate)
  • Navigate to POS Terminal Settings | Printing | Paperless Kitchen
  • Ensure the setting Sort cards by sale status is enabled.
pos location settings

You can find more about accessing and entering the required configuration settings here.

Applying Colour Coding 

You can apply colour coding to the Paid and Saved payment status if desired.

You may choose to apply colour coding to:

  • The order list box background
  • The order header bar
  • Both the order list box background and the order header bar
 To do this:
  • Access the Settings button on the toolbar.
  • Enter your password.
  • Choose the Display Options menu, then apply programming as required in the Warning Colours section.

applying colour coding



Related Functionality

If you would like to utilise Orders by Payment Status, you may also be interested in:


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

December 2023

First publication of this article.

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