Loyalty Portal - Register as a new Member

This article details the process for a customer to register as a member in your loyalty program.

Register as a new member

To register as a new member, click on the Not a member? Register Now link.

new member registry

The Loyalty Membership System Registration page will be displayed.

To register, complete the required fields on the form:

system registration

Some or all of the following fields may be programmed on the member registration form.  Fields that are require by the loyalty system will be marked with an *.
Member Number:
If physical loyalty card is required, enter the number from the card including the alpha-character prefix.
Verification PIN:
The membership card will also list a Verification PIN -  enter the PIN in this field.
Referring Member:
If another loyalty member of the program has referred you, please enter the membership number of your friend here - this will result in your friend having a reward allocated to their membership account once your membership is validated and any conditions are met.
Given Names:
Please enter your given name(s).
Please enter your surname.
Please enter your email address - this could be used for validation and/or promotional purposes.
Please create the password you will use to access your account profile.
Date of Birth:
Please enter your date of birth.  Often your loyalty is rewarded with discounts and freebies as a birthday gift and this is needed to know when to pamper you.
Please choose a gender option from the drop down menu.
Mobile Number:
Please enter your mobile number - this could be used for validation and/or promotional purposes.
Please enter the relevant Postcode.
Favourite Store:
A favourite store can be chosed from the drop down list.
Send Promotional Material via Email:
Please tick the box to signify agreement that promotional material may be emailed.
Send Promotional Material via SMS:
Please tick the box to signify agreement that promotional material provided via SMS.
I agree to the terms and conditions:
Please tick the box.  Registration will not be possible without first agreeing to the terms and conditions of the loyalty program.

Once all required fields are completed,  choose the REGISTER button.


New members may be required to verify by either email or SMS before registration is complete.
An email verification will be something similar to this.

thank you

Please click on the link in the email or SMS to verify your details.