Loyalty Report - Coupon Count

This article describes the Coupon Count Report available in Polygon Central.

How to Access

This report is available from the Reports | Loyalty Reports menu in Polygon Central.

  • Choose Coupon Count from the Select a Report drop-down list.

Report Purpose

The Coupon Count report will provide data on the total number of coupon hashes generated, and the number of active, used and expired coupons -  per coupon ID.

Reported Fields

The default reported fields are:

  • Coupon ID
  • Number of Generated Coupons
  • Active Coupons
  • Used Coupons
  • Expired Coupons


You can learn more about the report builder in Polygon Central, including changing report criteria date range(s) and reported fields in this article:

Polygon Central - Reports



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

May 2023

First publication of this article.