Loyalty Setup Guide: Add Apps


This page is designated for use when apps (Android and iOS) are to be added to an existing Polygon Loyalty system.   

The following information must be returned to your Redcat contact or client manager before your Polygon Loyalty App can be set up.  Please ensure that all questions are answered, and all required boxes are ticked. 




Google Maps API Key

Checklist of information to be provided

Submitting Responses


Privacy Policy

A Privacy Policy is a hard requirement for both Android and iOS app stores.  

Useful links to Apple and Googles privacy policy guidelines, explaining mandatory content for apps:  



Android / Google:  


GPS Coordinates 

If an app user has location services turned off, a map pin will indicate the default location.  This link can assist with obtaining the required latitude and longitude of your default location. 



To enable the setup of your app, we require that you create a Google account to be associated with analytics. 

Please create the account with the email address in the format [clientname].redcat@gmail.com.  Please ensure that 2FA (2 factor authentication) is not enabled as we will need to log in to this account. 

Google Maps API Key

To enable the setup of your app, we require that you provide an API Key which will be used when displaying customer facing maps during the ordering process.  Your contact from the Redcat Implementation Team can assist you with obtaining this API key if you do not already have one. 

Checklist of information to be provided

  • Customer business name
  • Privacy Policy 
  • App name
  • Member registration
    You will need to review your current member registration requirements as Apple will reject apps that require information beyond Name, Password and data required for verification (usually email or mobile). 
  • Member verification
    Do you require members to verify their details before registration is complete?
    • Do no require verification
    • Verify via email
    • Verify via SMS
  • All configuration options decided on
    App Configuration Settings lists all available app configuration options 
  • Do you want to activate Refer a Friend functionality?
  • App Target Age Range 
    This is a Google requirement on the submission of apps. Please select the target age range for your app
  • App listing text and key words
    The following text is required for the listing of your app in the Google Play and iTunes stores. It is important in helping users find your app, so please consider what your customers may search for.  For more detailed background information regarding your app listing, please see the following links: 
    Apple App Store: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/product-page/  
    Google Play: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/4448378?hl=en  
    • Short description: please provide text for the first part of your app description, shown before the ‘More’ button is pressed; up to 80 characters
    • Full description: please provide text for the rest of your app description, shown after the ‘More’ button is pressed; up to 4000 characters
    • Key words: Please provide key words for Apple’s app store search - up to 100 characters, comma separated, no spaces required (note: Google Play uses key words in the Full Description for ranking)
  • Polygon Loyalty Administrator contact details
    Please provide details of the person you nominate as the contact for your Polygon Loyalty site.  These details are for Redcat internal records only.  
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone

Submitting Responses

Once you have the answers to all the checklist items please submit them to Redcat via this digital form