Loyalty Setup Guide: Web Only


This document takes you through the options that are available when setting up your loyalty program as well as any items required from you. You have the option of having physical cards printed, however members can also register online or via the app without needing a physical card. 



Loyalty System Types

Checklist of information to be provided

Redcat certified card suppliers


Web URL  

Redcat will set up a website for your Polygon loyalty system under a URL in the following format: www.yourbusinessname.redcatcloud.com.au 

This will be the site that your customers connect to when they register their cards and check their loyalty points.  You will also log on to this site to run reports and carry out simple administrative tasks.  

Terms and Conditions  

Polygon Loyalty requires a set of terms and conditions to be made available to your users.  This can either be supplied to us as text list of clauses, or Polygon Loyalty can link to a page on your main website.  

Auto-generated emails sender field  

Your loyalty members will receive auto-generated emails from the Polygon system such as password reminders.  The sender field of these email can be configured, as you may get replies to these messages from users who have card registration issues or account problems. 


Auto-generated email templates  

The following types of auto-generated emails will be sent to your customers by the Polygon Loyalty system:  

  • Email verification
  • Welcome to the club 
  • Password reset 
  • Card transfer 
  • Order confirmation (for customer ordering) 

You can leave these as simple text only emails, or provide us with mobile-friendly HTML templates. More information can be found here https://downloads.redcat.com.au/FTP/Support/PolygonLoyalty_SystemGeneratedEmails.pdf  

Loyalty System Types

Redcat offers two types of loyalty system that can be used by your customers: You must choose to operate either a Points or Rewards system. 

Points system  

Keeps track of points that are accrued when your customers make purchases at your stores and allows for those points to be redeemed for your products on subsequent visits.  This allows different rates of earning points against different products, and allowing only certain products to be redeemed, or not.  

For example, Coffee earns 1 point, and requires 10 points to redeem; Cake earns 2 points, but cannot be redeemed.  

Loyalty points earn and redemption values are controlled on each item which allows you to exclude items from the loyalty program if required. 

Your customers will need to register their personal details on your Polygon Loyalty site before they can redeem any points.  Loyalty point redemption is not included in Revenue calculations at POS. 

Customers can also store and spend cash value.  Cash value stored on a Hybrid card is tracked as a Liability when loaded at POS, and included in Revenue calculations when spent at POS (like a gift card attached to your loyalty card). 

Rewards system  

Earns a defined exchange rate of reward per dollars spent, and one reward is then redeemable against any item at the rate of 1 reward = $1.  

For example, 1 “Chilli” is earned every $15 spent, and 1 “Chilli” is $1 to spend in a store.  

Your customers will need to register their personal details on your Polygon Loyalty site before they can redeem any points.  

Rewards are issued for all items in a transaction that a loyalty member has been added to and all items will issue rewards at the same rate. 

Checklist of information to be provided

Web URL  
What URL would you like to use as explained in the overview section

Terms and conditions  
Terms and Conditions can either be supplied in a document or hosted on your webpage. You will need to provide either the document or page where these will be located. 

Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy can either be supplied in a document or hosted on your webpage. You will need to provide either the document or page where these will be located.   

Auto Generated Emails: Sender Address  
Please specify a preferred ‘sender’ email address (e.g. ‘club@yourbusinessname.com’) for automated emails sent to your customers from the Polygon Loyalty system.  This should be a valid email address, as your customers may respond to emails sent by the Polygon Loyalty system.  

Auto Generated Emails: Email Content (optional)
You can use the default emails available in Redcat, use the Redcat email template modifier in Polygon Central to create your own simple customised auto generated emails, or provide rich HTML templates that we can apply for you. 

  • Email verification 
  • Welcome to the club 
  • Password reset
  • Card transfer 
  • Order confirmation (for customer ordering) 

Loyalty Program Type
Are you setting up Points Loyalty or Rewards Loyalty?
What is the name of your program?
What are you calling your points / rewards that customers earn?
Do you have a preferred four letter prefix to appear on your cards?

If Points Loyalty are you allowing the Hybrid Cash function?
If so, what name do you want to give your Hybrid Cash?

If you are going to have physical cards printed let us know the QTY so we can generate this card data to be send to your card printer. 

Gift Cards  
Are you going to offer Gift Cards?
Will they be physical, e-gift, or both?
Do you have a preferred four letter prefix to appear on your cards?

If you are going to have physical cards printed let us know the QTY so we can generate this card data to be send to your card printer. 

Gift Card Expiry  
Please note: due to legislation, minimum expiry date for gift cards is 3 years from date of purchase. 
You can choose for expiry to be longer than this from the date of purchase if required. 

Member Registration Details  

What information do you want your members to provide when they register?  
Please note: Apple will reject apps that require information beyond Name, Password and data required for verification (usually email or mobile). 

You will need to specify the following registration fields as either Required / Optional / Hidden

  • Given Names
  • Surname
  • Password
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Phone Number
  • Mobile Number
  • Address
  • City
  • Postcode
  • State
  • Country
  • Favourite Store
  • Send Promo Material 
  • Agree to Terms

Member expiry (optional)  
Do you want the members to expire after a set period of inactivity? If not specified, the member expiry date will be set to three years from the last day of use.  

Member verification  
Do you require members to verify their details before registration is complete.  
No verification required / Verify via Email / Verify via SMS

If verifying via email, you can restrict how often a member email address change can occur. 

Member Self Delete  
If this is enabled members will be able to delete their own loyalty account (available when member logged in to Membership portal, and through API).  If this is not enabled deletion of accounts can only be done via administrators of the loyalty program via Polygon Central.

Refer a Friend  

We can enable a 'Refer a Friend' campaign to help drive adoption of your loyalty program. You can issue points or a coupon for the referring and/or the referred member. There can also be triggers for the issuance of these which could be;

  • when the referred member registers
  • when the referred member is verified
  • when the referred member transacts (any value)
  • when the referred member transacts with a minimum value of $x

Wallet Loyalty 
Would you like members to be able to save loyalty and gift cards to a digital wallet? 

You can read more about Wallet Loyalty here: Wallet Loyalty: Feature Overview

If you want to offer Wallet Loyalty you will need to supply additional assets (logos & images) for this to be able to be configured - Wallet Loyalty: Asset Guide

Polygon Loyalty Administrator contact details  
Please provide details of the person you nominate as the contact for your Polygon Loyalty site.  These details are for Redcat internal records only.  

Physical Card supplier  (if applicable)
A list of Redcat certified loyalty and rewards card suppliers is provided below.  Please note it is your responsibility to supply the card specification form to the card provider.  

Redcat certified card suppliers

Please contact one of the below certified card suppliers to discuss the production and artwork/design requirements for your cards.  Note that the card provider will invoice you for the production and supply of the cards.  

Creative Plastic Cards  
Kareena Geeves  
Senior Account Manager  
02 9525 1514  

Card Fix Pty Ltd  
Scott Hunt  
02 8850 6010  
0466 605 604  