Mapped Codes


The Mapped Codes section of Polygon Central is designed to obtain the URL endpoint or code to facilitate the creation of customer facing QR codes.

These QR codes can then be utilised to lead your customers directly to a specific online ordering sale type and location for:

  • Web Ordering
  • Legacy Web Ordering

Similarly, Mapped Codes can be created for easy internal access to menu items within your Polygon Central Admin Portal.

Mapped codes can be created individually, or the bulk creator can be used to create the same ‘code’ for multiple locations.

Once created, the codes can be exported to .csv. It is expected that this data then be input into a QR code generator to obtain the relevant QR codes.


Navigating the Mapped Codes List

Adding a Single Mapped Code

Editing a Mapped Code

Using the Bulk Code Creator

Exporting Mapped Codes

Copying a Single Mapped Code

Using the Mapped Codes

How to Access

To access Mapped Codes:how to access

  • Login to Polygon Central
  • Choose Loyalty & Ordering in the menu
  • Now choose Mapped Codes.




Note: A Polygon Central user must be assigned a user Role with the following privileges in order to create and manage Mapped Codes:
Mapped Codes (View)
Mapped Codes (Edit)




Navigating the Mapped Codes List

As Mapped Codes are added, they will be listed in the system as follows:

  1. Use the Create Mapped Code button to set up a single mapped code.
  2. Use the Bulk Creator button to create a list of ‘like’ codes.
  3. Use the Export CSV button to generate a CSV file containing the codes currently displayed.
  4. Click on any column heading to sort by any column, an arrow will indicate if the current sort is ascending ­ or descending ¯. Click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
  5. Click on Open Filters to open the filter bar (toggles to Close Filters):
  6. Use the Search field to search for any code by the Code Name.
  7. Visible Records:
    1. Increase the number of rows displayed on one page.
    2. Navigate multiple pages of mapped codes records.
  8. Use the select box to mark items as selected for actioning.
  9. Use the copy to clipboard icon to copy the mapped code URL.

copy to clipboard

Multi-Select Actions

If multiple items are selected (see point 8 above) the multi-select action bar will be displayed.

The number of records selected will be shown, and the bin and toggle active status icons are available for use.

multi-select actions

Deleting Mapped Codes

To delete a mapped code, you will need to tick the select box for that record (see point 8 above) and use the bin icon in the multi-select bar to delete it.

Filtering the Mapped Codes List

With the filter bar open, options to filter the mapped codes are available. Filtering may be on:

  • Code (data entry field)
  • URL (data entry field)
  • Sale Type (chosen from drop down options – multi select available)
  • Location (chosen from drop down options – multi select available)
  • Template (chosen from drop down options – multi select available)
  • Active Status (indicator toggles between active , inactive and all statuses when clicked)

Note: The Open Filters option toggles to Close Filters once clicked.

open close filters

Multi-selecting from a list

To multi-select items from a list you will click to select records as required, then click OFF THE LIST to insert your selections.

Adding a Single Mapped Code

To add a new mapped code:

  • Use the Create Mapped Code button
  • Complete the form. The details below will assist you.
  • Use the Submit button to save the mapped code when finished.

cancel reset

Complete these fields on the form. Fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be entered for the mapped code record to be saved successfully.

Note: Fields to be completed will change dynamically as selection are made. For example, the Table Number field is not presented if Sale Type Delivery is chosen.

sale type delivery

Create a name for the code.

The active status of this mapped code can be toggled on or off using the Active checkbox.


What you choose as the template will determine what the mapped code will be used for.

  • Web Ordering
  • Legacy Web Ordering
  • None

Note: please speak with your Redcat contact if you are unsure if your online ordering falls into the Web Ordering, or Legacy Web Ordering category.
The matrix below indicates which fields are relevant to the various Templates.

Sale Type


URL Path

Web Ordering


Legacy Web Ordering




Sale Type

Choose the relevant Sale Type from the drop-down list.

  • Delivery
  • Dine In (used for pre-paid table orders)
  • Pick Up
  • Takeaway
  • Table Order (used for Open Tab table orders)

The matrix below indicates which fields are relevant to the various Sale Types.


Table Number



Dine In


Pick Up




Table Order


Bypass Delivery Address

Mapped codes have been enhanced in OLO3 to allow customers to bypass the delivery address selector and take them directly into the menu. 
Customers can view the menu before inputting their delivery address.  They will still be prompted for a delivery address before checkout and if this is outside the valid delivery range they will be asked to select another store.
To create a mapped code with this behaviour, ensure that the Bypass Delivery Address option is selected.  This option is available for both individual and bulk code creation.


Select the required Location from the drop-down list. Locations are displayed grouped by state.

Table Number

This field is only available if the Sale Type Dine In or Table Order is chosen.
Enter the relevant table number.

For example, you could create a mapped code that, when scanned, would present a customer with an online Dine In order where the location and table number are already selected – ideal for attaching to the tables in the store.

To create a set of codes (eg, you want to create a mapped code for a single location for tables 1 through 20) you can enter either:

1,2,3,8,9,10,15,16,17,18,19,20, (will create only those tables specified) or
1-20 (will create a mapped code for all tables 1 through 20) or
1a, 1b, 2c, 2d (alpha numeric codes must be listed individually).

URL Path

This field is only available if the Template type None is chosen.
The text that you enter in this field will be appended to your base URL. The URL Path you enter must be prefixed with /.

For example, if you want to create a mapped code that will take your customer directly to a page that will allow them to register as a member, the system will automatically assume the base URL https://[yourclientname] and you would enter ‘/auth/loyalty’ in the URL path.

The end result would be https://[yourclientname] as the endpoint for the mapped code.

We have not listed all possible URL Paths as the list is comprehensive and can be dynamic. Please discuss with your Redcat contact if there is a specific path within the Admin Portal that you want to reach via mapped code.

Editing a Mapped Code

To edit to a mapped code, simply click on the mapped code record in the list.

The mapped code form will be opened, and you can make the required changes.

Choose the Submit button to save your changes.

Using the Bulk Code Creator

There are times when you might want to create a bulk lot or run of similar mapped codes. For example, you may want a mapped code to display in the front window of every store in NSW which will direct customers to an online Pick Up order for that store.

To create bulk codes:

  • Use the Bulk Creator button
  • Complete the form. The details below will assist you.
  • Use the Submit button to save the mapped code when finished.

cancel reset

Complete these fields on the form. Fields marked with * are mandatory fields and must be entered for the bulk code creation to be successful.
web ordering

Code Prefix
Enter the Code Prefix for this run of codes. This will be used as the base for the code and will have a numeral sequentially appended.

For example, a bulk creation with the code prefix Takeaway will result in codes named:



Takeaway3 …………

What you choose as the template will determine what the mapped code will be used for.

  • Web Ordering
  • Legacy Web Ordering

Please note: The None template is not available when creating bulk codes.

Sale Type
Choose the relevant Sale Type(s) from the drop-down list.

  • Delivery
  • Dine In
  • Pick Up
  • Takeaway
  • Table Order

In the bulk creator, this is a multi-select field. Once all relevant sale types are chosen, click off the field to save your selection.

Note: when selecting multiple sale types Dine In and Table Order should be grouped together as both these require a table number.  Delivery, Pick Up and Takeaway can also be similarly grouped.

Select the required Location(s) from the drop-down list. Locations are displayed grouped by state.

In the bulk creator this is a multi-select field. Individual locations can be selected, or you may include all locations for a state by selecting the state name from the list.

Once all relevant locations are chosen, click off the field to save your selection.

Exporting Mapped Codes

Once created, you need to export the mapped codes to .csv file for use with your QR Code generator.

To do this:

  • Use the filters to create the list of codes that you want to export.
    When you export, the list currently displayed will be included in the export file.
  • Use the Export CSV

The export file will be created and downloaded.

The file will contain the following fields:

  • Active
  • Code
  • FullURL
  • ID (mapped code record number)
  • Location (store ID number)
  • Sale Type
  • Template
  • URL

mapped codes

Copying a Single Mapped Code

To obtain the URL for a single mapped code, rather than filtering to display only that code and creating an export file containing a single entry, you can use the copy to clipboard icon (see point 9 – Navigating the Mapped Codes List) to copy the URL required for that mapped code.
The FULLURL for the record will be copied to your clipboard.

Using the Mapped Codes

When using the data in the exported Mapped Codes file to generate your QR codes you may use either of these formats where BASE URL = https://[yourclientname]

BASE URL + /mappedcode/CODE (this is included in the export file as FullUrl)




Mapped codes for the delivery sale type will include an extra parameter, either:

&bypassDeliveryAddress=true, or


Mapped Codes created using the Table Order sale type are for use with Open Tabs.  You can read about Open Tabs in this article.

Open Tabs

Mapped Codes are created using Universal Linking.
You can read about Universal Linking in this article.

Universal Linking - Browser, iOS or Android app



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

Jan 2023

Mapped codes enhanced to include:
- Table Order sale type (used with Open Tabs)
-  Ability to include multiple table numbers when creating code (both singly and when using the bulk creator).

Inclusion of previous enhancement to use universal linking when creating mapped codes.

S Black

May 2023

Updated example of mapped code to reflect universal linking.

S Black

August 2024

Delivery mapped codes now include option to bypass the delivery address and take the customer directly to the delivery menu for the location (entry of delivery address occurs later in the workflow).

S Black