Marketman Integration


For restaurants and chains, Marketman provide a cloud-based inventory management and purchasing app focused on streamlining procurement, delivery and restaurant accounting.  They aim to simplify order management, eliminate waste and jump start profitability. 

The Redcat Marketman Integration provides the ‘inventory out’ portion of the data! 

When resets are processed in the Polygon POS Management database details of the PLUs included in the reset are sent to Marketman via API. 

Data is transmitted via API when: 

  • Resets are manually processed  
  • Resets are processed by the automated processing runs 
  • Resets are deleted from the Location Sales Log (removed from Marketman) 

This document details the process to implement the Marketman Integration. 



To utilise the Marketman integration clients must be appropriately licensed for the Polygon Central framework and Polygon Web Reporting

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The client should have already formed a relationship with Marketman. If not, refer them to Marketman before proceeding further.  



The onboarding process cannot commence until the client has been first setup by Marketman. 

As part of the integration setup the following information will be required to complete the configuration settings in Polygon Central and the client will need to obtain these from Marketman during their setup process. 

For the client enterprise: 

  • Buyer GUID 

Additionally, for each location: 

  • Buyer GUID 


Polygon POS Management Configuration

When resets are processed or deleted in Polygon POS Management, a notification trigger is sent to Polygon Central to post the data via API. 

To enable this: 

  • Choose File | Application Settings from the menu. 
  • Navigate to Polygon Add-On Modules | Web Reporting | Polygon Central.
  • Ensure that Reset Notification Event is enabled. 

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Polygon Central Configuration

The following configuration is required in Polygon Central to implement the Marketman integration. 

Marketman Configuration Settings

Details required for the communication between Marketman and Polygon Central must now be entered. 

To do this:  

  • Access Polygon Central | Configuration | Integration | Marketman
    marketman configuration settings
  • The integration will only be active once the Enable Integration option is enabled. 
  • Enter the Buyer GUID obtained by the client from Marketman for this client. 
  • Ensure the Set Sales Enabled option is on. 
  • Enter the Base URL:
  • Enter the API Key: d8e1bf14575541b283f5ee6d2c94a34e 
  • Enter the API Password: 4e63ad8d46c346e3884fce286b54331b 
  • The API Token is generated by Polygon Central using the API Key and API password and is updated as required. 
  • Enter the amount of time in minutes after which Polygon Central will check for the reset fileID if it is not found when the notification trigger is received in the Set Sales Reschedule Delay field.  This is to counteract the delay that can occur in replication between the BOH and Polygon Central databases.  
  • The Request Timeout is the number of seconds awaiting response before the API call is considered as failed. 
  • Ensure that the Logging Enabled option is on.  This will be required if the development team need to investigate and/or troubleshoot. 
  • The Exponential Backoff Retries List is a list of numbers that represent seconds to wait when retrying an API call. For example, [1,2,5] indicates a wait of 1 second before retrying if the 1st call fails, if the 2nd call fails it will wait 2 seconds before retrying and finally a wait time of 5 seconds before retrying if the 3rd call fails. 
  • Use the Submit button to save. 

Assign Stores to Marketman

The stores that will utilise the Marketman integration need to be assigned in Polygon Central.

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To do this:

  • Access Polygon Central | Integrations | Marketman
  • Use the Add Integration button to add the locations for which data will be posted to Marketman. 
  • Choose the relevant location from the Locations List drop down. 
  • Enter the Buyer GUID obtained by the client from Marketman applicable to this location. 
  • Use the Submit button to save.

User Roles

If client Admin users will be adding locations for Marketman, they will need to be assigned the relevant user role. 

  • Access to Marketman Store Configuration 

If Configuration | Integrations | Marketman is to be opened to client Admin users, they will require: 

  • Marketman (Edit) 
  • Marketman (View) 

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