Maximum Order Value


The Maximum Order feature of Polygon Central allows the user to specify a Maximum Order value for specific locations, sale types and delivery providers (if applicable).

You will also be able to specify the message that is displayed for the customer in the online order cart.


How to Access

Navigating the Maximum Order Totals List

Creating a Maximum Order Total Rule

Cart & Ordering Process

How to Accesshow to access

To access Maximum Order Value rules:

  • Login to Polygon Central
  • Choose Loyalty & Ordering in the menu
  • Now choose Maximum Order Total.


Note: A Polygon Central user must be assigned a user Role with the following privileges in order to create and manage Maximum Order Value Rules:

  • Access to view Max Order Totals
  • Access to edit Max Order Totals

Navigating the Maximum Order Totals List

As Maximum Order Total rules are added, they will be listed in the system as follows:

  1. Use the Create Rule button to set up a new Maximum Order Total rule.
  2. Click on any column heading to sort by any column, an arrow will indicate if the current sort is ascending ­or descending. Click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.
  3. Click on Open Filters to open the filter bar (toggles to Close Filters):
  4. Visible Records:
    1. Increase the number of rows displayed on one page.
    2. Navigate multiple pages of mapped codes records.
  5. Use the Edit icon to open the rule.
  6. Use the bin icon to delete the rule.

maximum order totals list

This view will enable you to see any previously configured Maximum Order Values that have been created along with the settings associated with them.

Creating a Maximum Order Value Rule

To add a new Maximum Order Value rule:

  • Use the Create Rule button
  • Complete the details for the rule choosing options from the drop-down fields as required.
  • Use the Save button record the rule.

Please note that you will need to create multiple rules if required as you cannot make multiple selections in the drop-down fields.

maximum order value rule

Maximum Order Total

Enter the maximum value for orders to be applied for this rule.  This is a required field.

Choose the State to which this rule will apply.  The rule will apply to ALL States if no selection is made.

If a State is selected, a drop-down field will be displayed to allow you to apply the rule to a specific store Location.  If no selection is made, the rule will apply to ALL locations within the selected State.

Sale type
Select the sale type you would like to set a minimum order value for. The rule will apply to ALL sale types if no selection is made.

If the sale type Delivery is selected, a drop-down field will be displayed to allow you to apply the rule to a specific Delivery Provider.  If no selection is made, the rule will apply to ALL delivery providers.

Any message entered here will be displayed for the customer in the online ordering cart.

Cart & Ordering Process

When a Maximum Order Value has been assigned you will see this reflected in the cart and throughout the ordering process.

cart and ordering process


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

July 2023

First publication of this article