mParticle Integration

This article provides information on the integration between Redcat and mParticle.


Who is mParticle?

What doesthe integration between Redcat and mParticle cover?


     Supported Events

     Purchase Event Payment Information


The mParticle integration is an API integration built to support a data flow of member and guest details and sales data between Redcat and mParticle systems.


Who is mParticle?

mParticle is a customer data platform that helps business unify and utilise their customer data across various marketing and analytics tools.  Their platform allows companies to collect and organise customer data from mulitple sources.  mParticle then enables businesses to create a 360-degree view of their customers and use this data to optimise their marketing campaigns and personalise offers to enrich their customer experiences, with a goal to drive business growth.  

What does the integration between Redcat and mParticle cover?

Redcat enables the real-time sharing of member activities, such as sales and coupon redemptions, which helps with the creation of customer profiles.  This can then be used to create targeted campaigns and custom coupons.

Details of pre-defined transactions and actions are supplied to mParticle via API integration as they occur.


You should discuss with your Redcat contact which of the supported events detailed below should be enabled in your integration.

It is sometimes not desirable to include every item in the sales records, for example, System Sale Type Headers or instructional PLUs.  To this end, it is possible to exclude specific PLU Classes from the packets passed through the integration.

Supported Events

Event Name Event Trigger
member_registration_completed Registration completed by a member
Registration completed by an Admin User
member_registration_verification Activation of a verification link
member_update When a member profile is updated by the member
When a member profile is updated by an Admin User
When a member is made inactive
purchase When a member places an online order
When a guest places an online order
When a member sale is recorded at a Polygon POS terminal
When a member sale is recorded at a Legacy POS terminal
When an order placed at a Polygon POS is refunded
When an order placed at any POS is cleared
When a transaction is recorded against a member using the Claim Points functionality
When a member places an order via an app
When a member places an order via a kiosk
coupon_redemption When a coupon is redeemed by a member in an online order
When a coupon is redeemed by a guest in an online order
When a coupon is redeemed by a member in a POS sale
When a coupon is redeemed in a non-member sale at POS
delivery_order_picked_up When the status update advising that an order has been picked up from the store is received from the delivery provider
delivery_order_approaching When the status update advising that the delivery driver is approaching/has arrived at the delivery destination is received from the delivery provider
delivery_order_delivered When the status update advising that the delivery has been completed is received from the delivery provider
Member_delete request When a member uses the member self-delete function
When a member is deleted by an Admin User

Purchase event payment information

The Payment Type listed in the purchase event will be listed as POS Charge unless specifically identified as:

  • Loyalty Redemption (sale finalised with loyalty points or rewards)
  • Hybrid Cash Card Redemption (sale finalised with member cash)
  • e-Gift Card Redemption (sale finalised with a gift card)

It should be noted that if a sale is finalised with multiple media payments, only one payment type will be included in the purchase event.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

April 2023

First publication of this article.