MYOB Financial Integration

The MYOB File

Redcat Polygon can integrate with an online MYOB file, or one that is connected to your online my.MYOB account.

How it works

The integration between Redcat Polygon and MYOB creates a mapping between the Chart of Accounts in each program, including instructions on which GST types are relevant to each account.

Information contained within the sales reset from the POS is posted to MYOB when the reset is processed in Polygon POS Management in the form of a Transaction Journal – for users running perpetual stock this will include the Asset | Cost journal relevant to stock decrementation.

redcat myob

Considerations for Redcat revenue account structure

The MYOB financial integration operates on a 'split revenue methodology' which means the system determines the amount of GST included in the sales and if neccessary will include both a GST and FRE line for a single ledger account if required.  This means that you are not required to have a GST Inc and GST Free version of general ledger accounts within the Redcat chart of accounts.

However, some clients want this for reporting purposes.  For example:

4-1103  Beverage Sales
4-1104  Beverage Sales - GST Free

chart of accounts

If you create general ledger accounts in this way and assign the PLUs to the relevant ledger account, please be aware that programming mistakes (for example, a GST Inclusive PLU assigned to the GST Free ledger account) will not cause the integration to fail when processing the reset.

The programming can be corrected, and any back adjustment required should be made in the
MYOB database.

Paid Out Expenses

The same methodology applies to Paid Out transactions entered at the POS.

You may have a mix of GST Inc and GST Free Paid Out buttons programmed to the same ledger account (perhaps to the Expense account 5-2001 Miscellaneous Expenses) and these will be included in the MYOB transaction journal with the correct GST or FRE identifier.

Revenue Assignment for Instruction PLUs with Dynamic GST Type

The PLU Category setting Inherit GST Type from parent item for instructional PLUs allows clients to utilise one set of Instruction PLUs to apply to different menu items (eg. Add Extras, etc). If the parent item is GST Free - the instruction will also be recorded as GST Free, if the parent item is GST Inc the instruction will also be recorded as GST Inc,  regardless of the GST Type programmed for the instruction PLU. 

keypad category details

With the MYOB Financial Integration, Instruction PLUs that Inherit GST Type from parent item will also inherit the revenue account of the parent item.

If an instructional PLU assigned to a category where the Inherit the GST type from parent item is enabled is sold with a parent PLU that has a split revenue assignment, the revenue account inherited will be the default revenue account assigned to the parent.

If a PLU in the category is sold without a parent item, the GST type and revenue account programmed for that PLU will apply.

Tips for a Successful Integration

The progression to successful integration will be much smoother if you understand all the elements involved before you start the process and can map all possible accounts.

Collect the list of accounts.

It is recommended that you run the following reports to help determine which ledger accounts will need to be mapped.

  • PLU List by Revenue Account (to determine all possible revenue accounts that should be included in the mapping)
  • POS Media Log (to determine which media types need to be mapped)
  • Paid Out Report (to determine if expense/cost accounts must be included in the mapping.
  • Stock items List (if Polygon Inventory is running you will need to know which asset and cost accounts are attached to stock items)

Asset Accounts

These will be the media types.  Think about if you want a direct ‘like for like’ mapping (cash to cash, eftpos to eftpos, Amex to Amex etc) or do you want to map all media to a clearing account, or a combination of the two.

Are you using Polygon Inventory? If so, which asset accounts are attached to stock items.

If you process Client Account charges at POS these affect the Accounts Receivable ledger account in Redcat (see note below for recommendation).

Liability Accounts

Do you have Polygon Loyalty with hybrid cards or gift cards? If so, you will need to map the Unexpired Gift Card liability account.

Revenue Accounts

Check the Sales by Revenue Account report to ensure that you map all the relevant revenue accounts. POS Discounts, POS Surcharges and Cash Over/Under are system revenue accounts and will also need to be mapped.

Expense Accounts

Check the Paid Out report to find out which expense accounts (if any) will need to be mapped.

Cost Accounts

Are you using Polygon Inventory? If so, which cost accounts are assigned to stock items.

Note: Businesses that process Client Account charges at POS are advised to map the Redcat Accounts Receivable Asset account to a generic clearing account in MYOB.

For example: ‘POS Client Charges’, ‘POS Client Clearing Account’ or something similar. This is because the integration will send account charges as a transaction journal and client invoices will not be created in MYOB. Users can then enter the relevant client invoice in MYOB as required, against this clearing account.

Determine the GST Implications.

When each ledger account is mapped, the default GST type that will be assigned to transactions sent from that account must also be assigned.

The default GST types accepted by MYOB are:  

  • GST  

  • FRE 

  • N-T 

Generally, Asset and Liability accounts have no GST implication (N-T), while Revenue, Expense and Cost accounts are affected by GST (GST or FRE).

If you are running Polygon Inventory a perpetual stock decrementation will be processed as part of the reset. This movement between asset and cost has NO GST implication so N-T should be chosen for the asset and cost accounts that are assigned to stock items.

This table can be used as a guide.

Ledger Type


GST Type


Asset accounts listed in the external mapping will be:

  • Media Types (cash, eftpos, amex etc)
  • Accounts Receivable (if you allow client account charges at POS)
  • Accounts attached to stock items (if you are using Polygon Inventory)



Liability accounts could be:

  • Unexpired Gift Cards (if you have Polygon Loyalty with hybrid or gift cards)
  • Accounts for recording donations (if you are using the Round Up For Charity functionality).



Revenue accounts listed will be:

  • Accounts attached to PLUs sold at POS.
  • System accounts used by POS 
     - POS Discounts,
     - POS Surcharges, and
     - POS Overs & Unders



Expense accounts listed could be:

  • Accounts assigned to Paid Out buttons (if used at POS)



Cost accounts could be:

  • Accounts attached to stock items (if you are using Polygon Inventory).


Software module setup

Redcat Implemenations or Support staff will facilitate the setup of the correct modules and walk you through the process to authorise the authentication between Redcat Polygon and MYOB.

As part of the installation process, they will also facilitate the following settings and programming. We have included them here for your information and future reference.

Polygon POS Management Setup

These are the configuration settings required in the Polygon POS Management database.

Under File | Application Settings | Polygon Add-On Modules

  • Choose Polygon Central Framework and ensure it is enabled.
  • Choose Web Reporting | Polygon Central and ensure the Polygon Central server address is configured.

web reporting

Under File | Application Settings | External System Interfaces

  • Choose MYOB Interface | General
  • Ensure Enable the MYOB interface module is on
  • In the MYOB tax codes field, enter the account tax codes required for mapping, followed by pipe separators (with no extra spaces). These will become available in the External Tax Code pick list.
    You can copy the MYOB tax codes below.


  • Interface API root URL:
  •  GL posting URL:
  • Use the select icon next to Polygon/MYOB GL account assignment.

    • Press the select icon in the left column, this will display a list of MYOB accounts for this client, which are retrieved via API.
    • [NOTE: if an access error is displayed at this point, then Redcat Polygon Central could not connect to MYOB. Check the Polygon Central interface settings and login details as per above]
    • Select the relevant MYOB GL account, set the most relevant tax code for this account (the split methodology will send both GST and FRE if required), then select from the right-side list to apply the corresponding Redcat GL account.
    • Continue until all relevant accounts are mapped and use the OK button to save.
  • In the Interface Timeout field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) that the system will wait for a response before deeming the posting to have timed out.

interface timeout

Processing Resets

With the module correctly enabled, posting from Redcat to MYOB will occur automatically when sales resets are processed in the Revenue Download screen or via the auto-download and processing service.

If a Redcat account is detected in the GL Reference of a sales reset, which has not been mapped to an external MYOB account as per the section above, the following errors will be displayed specifying the offending account(s):

processing resets

pos revenue processing

The reset will not be processed in Polygon POS Management until this is rectified.  Follow the steps above to map the account correctly then return to Revenue Download to attempt the process again.

Reset Corrections

If for any reason you desire to change a reset and reprocess it, you will need to ensure that the relevant transaction journal(s) in MYOB are removed prior to the resend so as to safeguard against overstating of revenue figures.

  • Identify the relevant transaction journal(s) created by this sales reset in MYOB.
  • Delete the relevant transaction journal(s) from MYOB.
  • Contact Redcat Support to perform reset correction in Polygon POS Management (if required).
  • Re-process the corrected reset.
  • Verifies the correct result in MYOB.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

January 2024

Migration of old customer cheat sheet to knowledge base article.

S Black

February 2024

Updated to include note that integration works with MYOB online files.

S Black