New Features & Changes

Details the new features introduced in Polygon POS and changes in current functionality that you should know about


Feature | Function

What does it do?

Reason for change.

Additional Comments

Refunds Builder.

Allows the POS user to recall a transaction and refund part or all of the transaction easily.

To learn how to process refunds click here

Process for refunds in legacy POS was clunky and not very user friendly.

Additional reporting now available specifically around refunds that have been processed.

Only available up until end of day reset has been processed on the POS on the day the transaction occurred.

Works the same regardless of how the transaction was paid (full, partially or split) and offers whichever media was used to finalise the sale as available to refund to, as well as option to refund to cash.

Optional step to assign the refunded items to a management account. If no account is assigned the refunded items do not flow through to BOH, other than as exceptions records.

New Refund Item POS exception type.

New user security privilege to manage this new feature: Process Refund.

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here

Role based user security and privileges.

Allows for permissions to be set against roles.

POS users are then assigned a role which controls their permissions.

Allows for greater control over POS User permissions and consistency of user access, especially for larger groups.

Allows for HQ to be able to define roles and make them available to partner locations.

Existing permissions set for Legacy POS do not apply for Polygon POS.

Roles must be defined then assigned to a POS User otherwise they will have sale only permissions (same as if no permissions were assigned to a user in Legacy POS).

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here

Graphical keypad editor.

Allows for creation of custom POS Keypad layouts.

To learn more about creating POS keypads click here

Flexibility over button sizes and layout compared to being restricted to the non-graphical grid layout.

Existing grid keypads will still function in Polygon POS.

A New From option has been added to allow existing users to create graphical versions of their non-graphical keypads.

Default ingredients available in Customer Driven QSO mode.

Allows you to set default ingredients for an item which the POS User can then remove if the customer requests to do so and it will specify the items that have been removed.

Was previously available only in POS Driven QSO mode not Customer Driven QSO mode.

Default ingredients set against an item will also print on production output even if there are no changes.

This is different to having an item choice pre-selected by default where this is a choice between items (eg. Bun or Basting choice) and should not be used in place of that.

To learn more about programming for QSO Mode click here

Client details bar.

Allows Customer Name to be entered at any time during the sale, or edited if it was entered via a prompt

Allows manual entry of member number as an alternative to scanning their barcode.

Displays member details once scanned.

Caters for Customer Lookup by mobile number to either retrieve member details or store name and mobile for future use.

Includes address entry fields when used on Delivery sale type.

To learn more about the Customer Details bar click here

To learn more about the Customer Lookup function click here

To consolidate all possible Customer Details to be stored in consistent way, regardless of where/how they have been captured.

ie. via prompts or loyalty scan or web order or manual entry

If a member record is successfully retrieved as a result of using the Customer Details form, then additional info is displayed in a banner at the top of the POS window.

This banner includes access to whatever Coupons are currently available for the member.

The banner can be closed if POS user needs to access any of the toolbar buttons behind it. And can be reopened by clicking the Customer Details button again.

To learn more about how loyalty transactions are processed click here and for coupon processing click here

Configurable POS Sale Type management.

Allows for custom flows for each sale type selected.  You can choose to prompt the POS user to enter details and choose which prompt type is available, what the label is for that prompt and if the input is enforced or not.

You can also specify if orders can be saved or if they must be fully paid for by sale type.

To learn more about programming for Sale Types click here

Previously there was little to no control over the prompts displayed for each sale type.

Other user prompts that were previously configured as Location System Settings have been moved to be configured by POS Sale Types.

These include:

•Prompt for Pax (number of people)

•Category lookup prompt

•Prompt for Customer Name

NOTE: Users who were using the prompt for Customer Name at end of sale, and are not using Sale Types, should have the Name prompt enabled on the ‘None’ sale type to emulate the existing legacy behaviour.

Custom column selection in Sales list windows and ability to resize columns.

Ability to choose what columns are displayed in list windows (eg. Sales History) so you can hide fields that are not relevant for your business. This then allows resizing of column widths to suit.

To learn more about configuring list boxes at POS click here

Legacy POS had no control over being able to hide/show columns in sales list windows.

New user security privilege to manage access to this: ‘Set listbox columns’

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here

Change per media.

Change is now recorded against each media payment, which allows for improved behaviour when using multiple media payments or split billing for an order.

To remove limitations on payment recording and improve user-friendliness in this area.


Tips per media.

Tips are now recorded for each media payment.

Eg. Bill is paid by two customers and they both want to give a tip that can be recorded for the first payment so you can easily see the remaining bill to be paid and not have to know what the first customer tipped and make manual calculations.

To learn about enabling tipping at the POS click here

To learn about recording tips at the POS click here

Tips were previously only recorded once per transaction before transaction was finalised.  


Media per split bill.

Media is now recorded per split bill so you can see how each part of the split bill was paid and the change for each if applicable.

To learn how to process split billing in Polygon POS click here

All payments against split bills were previously recorded together as multiple media payments on the one transaction.


Virtual cash drawers.

POS terminals can now share a cash drawer that’s configured against a different POS.

To learn about configuring a virtual cash drawer click here

Cash payments are declining so the need to have 1 cash drawer per terminal is not as strong.

Allows for multiple tablets to be able to share one cash drawer in a central location.

Setup as per sharing a printer or production device for an existing POS.

Finger scrolling touch input on lists.

To ease navigation through items in longer orders, or lists of sales or payments you can use your finger to scroll up and down the lists.



Column sorting in all lists.

In any list box at the POS you can now sort the data by any of the available columns, by clicking on the column header.

To learn more about sorting list columns click here



Search field on pop up pick lists.

Pop up picklists for things like POS Staff Names, Client Accounts, etc have a consistent format including a standard search field.



Sales history dynamic/multi filtering (open and finalised sales all in one view).

Allows users to set the most relevant filters on a specific POS terminal, and to view all sales at once rather than switching between Open and Finalised sales in separate lists.



Cash entry screen for cash media reconciliation.

When entering Actual Cash figures at end of day, user can either enter their total figure as normal, or use the cash entry form to tally up the number of each bank note / coin type.

To learn more about this new feature click here


Added feature.


Removal of ambiguous actions, contextual awareness for currently valid actions (eg. Table vs Save).

Improved behaviour around what was previously the ‘OK’ button.

The text on this button now updates dynamically depending on what function is available.

If you’re able to assign a table it will say ‘Table’ if you’ve already assigned a table it will say ‘Save’. If you’re in a different sale type that is not configured to allow saved sales it will be greyed out.

To learn more about the behaviour of this button click here

Better understanding for POS users about what the button is going to do when they press it.


Configure a ‘Home Keypad’ per terminal.

A per terminal setting that allows you to set a home or default keypad that users will be taken to each time they login to POS.

To learn how to set the home keypad click here

Added feature.

Allows for waiter stations to default to the food keypad, and bar to default to beverage as an example.

If not set, POS will behave the same as legacy where it will take you to the last keypad used.

Keypad Change button behaviour.

If a product keypad is not mapped to this location, any keypad change button pointing to that keypad will be hidden.

Legacy POS displayed the button for an un-mapped keypad, but returned an error when pressed, causing unnecessary confusion.


Floorplan / Table Map access from main keypad window.

Access to the Floorplan from within the main keypad window.

Assign a Table number from the Floorplan, check open or occupied tables on the spot, navigate back after selecting OTC without having to login again.

To learn more about the Floorplan toolbar button click here

Legacy POS would only display this upon logon. To access it again you’d need to log out and log back on.

Because you can now access this from the main sale screen you don’t have to have this displayed when a user logs on (see Skip Table floorplan after logon below).

If user enters items in an OTC sale, returning to the Floorplan will allow already entered items to be assigned to a Table.

Skip table floorplan after logon.

Allows for table map to be accessible from the POS terminal but not displayed each time a POS user logs in.

To learn how to enable this setting click here


This is configurable for each POS terminal.  For example, you may want the Floorplan displayed each time upon logon for waiter stations, but not at the front counter where most orders are takeaway.

Print Last Receipt behaviour change.

Press Receipt button on an empty sale, this will print receipt for the last sale that was open on this terminal.

Able to print a receipt for the last transaction without needing to recall the transaction or view via Sales History.


Ability to part pay OTC sales.

Ability to part pay an OTC sale then add more items and continue with additional payments afterwards.

In Legacy POS payment either needed to be cancelled or completed for the transaction once it had commenced.

Here is an example: a customer is splitting the payment for an OTC sale with cash and card and you’ve already entered the cash amount.  The customer decides they’d like to add the muffin in the display case to the order.  You can now add that to the order without needing to clear out the cash payment already processed.

Unfinalise Table.

Allows user to remove a payment and Save a sale back from Finalised state to Open.

To learn more about how to Unfinalise a sale click here

Table sales accidentally finalised in legacy had to be cleared and re-entered to store them as an open sale again.

Only available if the same table number has not already been opened.

Accessible only via the Paid Media View in Sales History.

Enable tips.

Allows clients who don't record tips at POS to disable this field so it’s not available at POS.

To learn how to enable or disable tips at POS click here

Reduce UI complexity for payment windows.


Receipt Prompt.

Prompt user before automatically printing receipts.

To learn more about setting a prompt to print receipts click here

Allows for less receipt paper to be consumed by confirming if customer wants receipt or not.


Auto receipt printing must be enabled on the POS Terminal to receive the Print Receipt | Skip Receipt prompt at the end of the transaction.

NOTE: Orders will be sent to production before this prompt is displayed, so as not to delay production if user makes no selection.

Spacing between items on production output.

Options to increase spacing between main items on production jobs.

To learn more about this setting click here


Separate control available over KMS vs. printed jobs.

Print order number on production dockets.

New specific Location System Setting, separate to the ‘Reset folio every. 99 dockets’ setting.

To rationalise the folio setup in BOH (no change to the feature at POS)


Enable pending orders.

Allows for use of ‘Set Order Pick Up Time’ and ‘Delay Kitchen Order’ functions for clients who don’t have web ordering enabled.

To learn more about this setting click here


Setting becomes available only if BOH is *not* licensed for Customer Ordering.

Wastage / Loyalty Points Redemption management account settings.

These account types are now recognised via this setting instead of checking the account name.

To see where to apply this setting click here



Automatically map EFTPOS media.

This reduces the need to address sales reset exceptions for clients on auto-processing who are not concerned with mapping card types to specific merchant cards records in BOH.

To learn more about this setting click here


Will automatically map to the "EFT Media" Virtual Safe account.

Default value in BOH is disabled. Default behaviour for RTT service is enabled.

Independent peripheral settings.

All peripheral settings operate independently across each device:

Split production | Class Grouping | Compress printing

In legacy POS these settings would apply to all peripherals of the same type, and split production printing could not be limited to one printer.


Multiple production printers can point to the one physical printer.

Allows configuration of multiple production jobs sending to one printer, without the need to use local Printer Redirection at POS.

To learn how to program a production peripheral click here

In legacy POS you could only configure a single production job to a physical printer. If you wanted multiple different print jobs from the one printer you needed to set these up pointing to dummy ports then use POS Redirection to have them print on the one printer.

Configure the production printers in POS Management to the same TCP port number and IP address.

Compress Instructions.

New peripheral setting that enables specific control over compressed print job format for item instructions.

To learn how to enable this setting click here

Legacy POS produced different formats for Compressed printing depending on the combination of settings used. This new setting removes that ambiguity.

This setting should only be required if an existing peripheral was set to ‘Compress’ report but not ‘Print in PLU Class order’.

Print customer details.

New peripheral setting allows control over address and phone details being included for this production job.

Replaces Delivery module setting ‘Print client details on production dockets’.

Unifies the behaviour for web orders and delivery orders entered at POS.

Useful for clients with multiple KMS roles, where perhaps only the PASS or CO-ORDINATOR screen requires visibility of these additional Customer Details.

NOTE: Customer name is always sent to production if present, and is not impacted by this setting

Printer Redirection.

New option when setting up a printer redirection at POS to have it apply to just that POS terminal or Global across the whole location.

To learn how to program printer redirections click here

Previously the redirection would have to be configured on each POS terminal if required.


Fast Finaliser – Loyalty Currency.

New fast finaliser to be able to handle Loyalty Currency (rewards).

To learn about programming this Fast Finaliser button click here.

To learn about processing Loyalty Currency payments click here


Currency mode Loyalty - new 'media type' at POS to handle Loyalty Redemption as a negative amount added to the sale, rather than processing as payment to Management Account.

Loyalty card input profiles.

Allows soft-coded configuration of non-standard member card formats (where clients convert to Redcat but have the requirement for their existing loyalty card barcodes to be recognised at POS).

To learn about including different member card formats click here


Caters for imported member records from a previous Loyalty system to be recognisable at POS with no requirement for POS development to commission new imported card formats.

Coupons list.

'Coupons' button in Loyalty Member banner, allows direct access to the available coupons of the currently scanned member.

A coupon can be selected from the list to apply to this sale, removing the need to scan the actual coupon barcode.

To learn more about how loyalty member details are displayed click here and for coupon use click here


Improve access to offers for the customer and for the POS user.

Only one coupon may be applied to any sale.

A coupon can be selected from the list at any time to make it the ‘Active Coupon’ on this sale, but it’s discount will only be applied once valid items are present in the sale.

NOTE: Any change made to the contents of the sale will result in reassessment/recalculation of the coupon discount and which item it is applied to.

Customer Lookup by mobile.

This feature is currently only available from within the Sale Type prompt Customer Lookup.  To learn more about this click here



Discount - $.

Enhanced behaviour around set $ discount buttons for when transaction total is less than the discount button value.

In Legacy POS if you had a set $ discount you could not apply this if the transaction value was less than the $ amount.

POS User will receive prompt saying that the transaction amount is less than the discount amount and ask them if they wish to continue, applying maximum discount that is equal to the current Subtotal.

Discount - % Off Transaction.

Enhanced behaviour around % off Transaction discounts where this can be applied at any time during the transaction.

To learn more about dynamic discounts in Polygon POS click here

In Legacy POS the discount amount generated did not update if items were added or removed from the transaction after it was used.

Discount amount is automatically recalculated as items are added or removed from the transaction.

POS Manager Override.

Allows for manager override if POS User doesn’t have sufficient privileges.


Manager needs to be assigned permissions for the function that is trying to be used.

Credit Item.

This is now a specific user privilege which must be enabled in the security role for staff to be able to access.

Will log an exception when used.

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here

In Legacy POS you could make it available to all users, or restrict under ‘Manager’ access only.


Password protected keypad buttons.

This is now linked to specific user security role configuration.

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here


When configuring roles in POS Management you can choose one of three security levels for that role to use (Level 1 being the highest, and level 3 the lowest).

Then when controlling access to these buttons you can select which security level is able to access. Any users with roles that are configured to that security level or above are able to use the button.

To learn how to set the security level on a keypad button click here

Keypad Category Setting: Only print with parent item.

If an instruction category is not assigned to a production device but has this setting enabled it will print on the production output attached to the parent item even though the parent item is not assigned to the production device.

In Legacy POS if a Keypad Category with this setting enabled is assigned to a production device but the parent item it’s attached to isn’t then it won’t print.

Any Keypad Categories that have this setting set should be removed from all production devices so that it will only print on the devices that it’s parent item does.

To learn where to change this setting click here

Finalising to accounts (client & management).

Stricter rules now apply for processing partial payments where at least one of the payment methods is an account charge.


If a partial payment at POS includes a client or management account charge this can only be completed via Split Billing.

To learn about process split billing payment in Polygon POS click here

Fast Finaliser: Management Account Charge.

Now processes at Full Amount to the selected account.

Legacy POS would charge as an open amount.

Brings this in line with Fast Finaliser behaviours for other payment types

Pay Screen: Cash Tendering.

New cash entry window inside the pay screen.

To learn more entering a cash payment from the sale settlement screen in Polygon POS click here


Same options once cash has been selected as what is available in the Dynamic Cash fast finaliser.

Ability to include POS folio number with web orders

New setting that will instruct the POS to include the POS Folio Number on production output for web orders.

To learn how to turn this setting on, click here.

Currently production dockets for web orders do not include POS Folio Numbers, however a Push to Print from KMS would include the folio number.

For consistency when clients utlise POS Folio Numbers.

Relocation of Manage Item Availability button

The Manage Item Availability button used to take items offline for customer ordering has been relocated.  It can now be found in the Admin menu, under Online Settings.

To learn how to access the Admin menu click here.

As functions regarding web orders are more readily accessible in Polygon POS via the Web Orders button on the toolbar, it is anticipated that the Manage Web Orders keypad button will disappear from keypads.  Access to Manage Item Availability in Legacy POS was only via this keypad button.

To learn more about creating and maintaining Item Availability Rules click here.

POS Health Dashboard

Provides a visual indicator to warn if a component of the POS installation requires attention.

You can learn more about the POS Health Dashboard here.

While Legacy POS provided some visual indicators, like the printer icon changing colour to warn users that something required attention, other aspects provided no easily accessible visual warning.

All integral components for printing, posting of Real Time and Loyalty transactions and web orders are now monitored and reported in one location.

New user security privilege to manage this new feature: Manage POS Health Status.

To learn more about POS User Security Roles click here

Enforce alphanumeric loyalty card values

New setting required to ensure that scanning a PLU barcode of the same length as a member's loyalty card does not trigger a customer lookup.

This was locked down in Legacy POS, but opened in Polygon POS to enable greater opportunities.  This setting should be enabled for Polygon POS users.

To learn how to turn this setting on click here.