Payment Status on Production Output - Configuration

This article will assist with the configuration required to implement Payment Status on Production Output.

Detailed below are the configuration settings required to implement Payment Status on Production Output functionality.

Enable Payment Status on Production Output

To have the payment status of an order included in the production output job the setting(s) must be enabled in the Polygon POS Management database.

The following POS Location Settings | POS Terminal Settings apply:

  • Print Payment Status needs to be on for any payment status to be included in production jobs.
    • UNPAID will be included for any sale that does not have any payment associated
    • PART PAID will be included for any sale that has a payment(s) applied but remains unfinalised.
  • If you want a PAID status to be included on production jobs for sales that are finalised you can enable the Print Paid Status setting in conjunction with the Print Payment Status setting.

You can see how and where to apply these settings here.

Related Articles

You can find more information about this functionality in the following article.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

October 2023

First publication of this article

S Black