PLU and Inventory Creation via Menu Import

This function to import Menu and/or Inventory Items is available to clients with Polygon POS utilising production categories.


This guide is designed to provide instruction on the completion of the spreadsheet which will be used to import your menu and inventory (if required) items into your Polygon database.

The Spreadsheet Template

Redcat has prepared a template file that includes the mandatory columns.

The format of the file must not be amended in any way. The columns are to be completed as advised below and columns are not to be removed or added.

A few generic items have been included in the file as a guide for you. Please remove these items and insert your own.

The template file for you to use can be downloaded here.

Important notes for completion

Please be aware that the process used to import your menu is case-sensitive. Fields that contain configurable text will be created in the database EXACTLY as they are listed in the file.

For example, if you are listing various coffee PLUs (Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White etc) and the keypad category is entered slightly differently for each (Coffee, coffee, and Cofee) you will end up with three keypad categories – one which starts with a capital letter, one which starts with a lower case letter and one which starts with a capital letter but is spelled incorrectly.

The spreadsheet columns

The text entered here will be imported as the PLU Name. Please consider case sensitivity.
Only 40 characters including spaces will be imported.

Price 1 - 5

Please enter the sale price(s) inclusive of GST for the item. There must not be a $ or space characters and there should never be more than 2 decimal places.

For example:
$8.50 would be entered as 8.5
$15.95 would be entered as 15.95.
$20.00 would be entered as 20.


Enter either:
INC against any PLU which is to be assigned as GST Inclusive, or
EX for any PLU that is GST Free.

Ledger Account

The ledger account MUST be an EXACT MATCH (including case sensitivity) to an existing ledger account within the POS Management database.

If the text entered is an EXACT MATCH to an existing record in the Class file, that record will be assigned to the PLU. If there is no exact match in the existing file a new Class record will be created and assigned to the PLU.
Only 40 characters including spaces will be imported.

Classes that exist as standard in a new database are:


Reporting Category

If the text entered is an EXACT MATCH to an existing record in the Reporting Category file, that record will be assigned to the PLU. If there is no exact match in the existing file a new Reporting Category record will be created and assigned to the PLU.

Only 40 characters including spaces will be imported.

Keypad Category

If the text entered is an EXACT MATCH to an existing record in the Keypad Category file, that record will be assigned to the PLU. If there is no exact match in the existing file a new Keypad Category record will be created and assigned to the PLU.

Only 15 characters including spaces will be imported.

Production Category

If the text entered is an EXACT MATCH to an existing record in the Production Category file, that record will be assigned to the PLU. If there is no exact match in the existing file a new Production Category record will be created and assigned to the PLU.

Only 40 characters including spaces will be imported.


Enter either:
Yes to make this PLU an instructional PLU, or

It is recommended that instructional PLUs be assigned a different keypad category to the parent items they will be used with. For example, coffee PLUs could be assigned the keypad category Coffee while the coffee instruction PLUs could be assigned the keypad category Coffee Mods.

PLU Modifier

If a PLU Modifier is to be assigned to this PLU, enter the required modifier.  If an EXACT MATCH exists in the PLU Modifier file, that record will be assigned to the PLU. If there is no exact match a new PLU Modifier record will be created and assigned to the PLU.

Web Display Name

Enter the text that is to be assigned as the Item Display Name on the Customer Ordering Interface tab for this PLU.


Enter the kJ value to be assigned to the Energy field on the Customer Ordering Interface tab for this PLU.

Item Information

Enter the text that will be included as the Item Information for this PLU on the Customer Ordering Interface tab.


Enter the file name for the image that is to be assigned in the Image File field for this PLU on the Customer Ordering Interface tab.  

Stock Link Type

Enter either Linked to Stock Item or Linked to Recipe.  If the entry is Link to Stock Item the PLU will be linked to the stock item created using the subsequent fields.  

Stock Item Name

The text entered here will be imported as the name of the stock item.
Only 100 characters including spaces will be imported.

Stock Type

If the text entered is an EXACT MATCH to an existing stock type, that record will be assigned to the stock item. If there is no exact match a new Stock Type will be created and assigned to the stock item.

GST Type

Enter INC against any stock item which is to be assigned as GST Inc - General.
Enter FREE against any PLU which is to be assigned as GST Free.

Preferred Supplier

For reference only, it will not be included in the import.

Supplier Code

For reference only, it will not be included in the import.

Stock Account

The Stock Account MUST be an EXACT MATCH (including case sensitivity) to an existing Asset ledger account within the POS Back Office database.

Cost/Expense Account

The Cost/Expense Account MUST be an EXACT MATCH (including case sensitivity) to an existing Cost or Expense ledger account within the POS Back Office database.

Used in Recipes

Enter YES if the stock item will be available for selection from within the recipes file.

Enter NO against any stock item which will not be a component of a recipe.

Track Perpetually

Enter YES if this stock item is to be tagged as a perpetual stock item.

Enter NO if this stock item is to be tagged as a non-perpetual stock item.

Counted During Stocktakes

Enter YES if this stock item will be included in stocktakes.

Enter NO if this stock item will not be included in stocktakes.

Stocktake Measure Unit

Enter either Other, Kilo or Litre as the stocktake measure unit.

Stocktake Measure

If the stocktake measure unit is Other, the text entered here will be added as the accompanying descriptor.

Stock Item Barcode

Enter the barcode to be recorded against this stock item.

Pack Cost

This must be entered in number format. There must not be a $ or space characters. Please enter the pack cost inclusive of any GST.

For example:
$8.50 would be entered as 8.5
$15.95 would be entered as 15.95.
$20.00 would be entered as 20.

Units per Pack

This must be entered as a whole number.

Pack Weight/Vol

Enter the pack weight/volume in kgs/litres. 

For example:
9 litres would be entered as 9
9 1/2 litres would be entered as 9.5, and
9 3/4 litres would be 9.750

Par Level

Enter the required Par Level relevant to the Stock Take Measure.

Minimum Order Qty

Enter the required minimum order quantity relevant to the Stock Take Measure.

Sold By

This stock item is to be used in recipes by Unit, Litre or Kilo.

Recipe Gross Weight

In relation to Edible Portion details, enter the recipe Gross Amount in grams or millilitres.

Recipe Net Weight

In relation to Edible Portion details, enter the recipe Net Amount in grams or millilitres.

Recipe Name

For reference only, it will not be included in the import.

Stock Item Name

For reference only, it will not be included in the import.


For reference only, it will not be included in the import.

Portion Size

For reference only, it will not be included in the import.

Importing only Menu Items (PLUs)

If you only need to import menu items, only columns A - R will apply.

Importing Menu and Stock Items

If you complete stock item information (columns S - AR) on the same line as PLU data, the stock item will be created AND linked to that PLU.

Extra stock items that will not be linked to a PLU can be included in the file by completing only columns S - AR on a line.

Importing only Stock Items

If your intention is to import a file of stock items only, you can do this by completing the information in columns S - AR.