Polygon Central: Managing Users & Roles

The system functions and data that are available to a user when they log into Polygon Central, are dependent on what Role(s) the user has been assigned, and what functions are included within that Role. 
There are system-defined Roles and functions; custom Roles may be created as required. 

To set up a new user

  • Go to Users in the left menu, click Add User 
  • Complete the form and press Submit 
    NOTE: Roles are not assigned until after the user is created 
  • If this user should only have visibility of certain POS Locations’ sales data, assign these in the Location List - select or deselect Locations as required. 

add user

NOTE: the above form may be used to change an existing users’ password if necessary. 

  • Type the new password in and use the Submit button.


To assign a Role to a User

  • Go to Roles in the side menu 
  • Go to the Edit User Roles tab 
  • Select the username from the drop list on the right. The username and any existing assignments will be displayed in the window on the left. 
  • Drag and drop the required Role(s) from the list on the right across to the username 

NOTE: A User may be assigned more than one Role. They may also be assigned a mixture of Roles and individual system functions. The system functions that are included within a Role will be listed for you to view as per the example below: 

assign role

HINT: the ‘Enterprise’ Role is the default admin access Role that would allow a user to do ‘everything’ in Polygon Central. 
You cannot delete individual functions from a user after assigning them a system Role such as ‘Enterprise’. To limit user access, create a custom Role with only the required functions assigned. 

To create a custom Role

  • Go to Roles in the side menu 
  • Go to the Edit Roles tab 
  • Type the Role Name you wish to use in the ‘NEW’ field on the right and use the Enter button.
  • The new Role Name will be added to the list with a red cross next to it. This cross can be used to delete the custom Role if required. 

NOTE: System Roles and functions cannot be deleted. 

system roles

  • Next, click on the Role name that you have added, it will be displayed in the window on the left.
  • Drag and drop the individual system functions to be included in this Role. 
  • To remove a function from the Role, click the red cross beside the function. 
  • Once the Role is set up as required, click Save

administer user roles

  • For a user to be able to login, they will need to be assigned a Role that has ‘Allow access to Admin UI’ as a minimum. 
  • A ‘…(Modify)’ function allows a user to add and edit records within this section of the system. 
  • A ‘…(View)’ function allows a user to just see the list of records within this section of the system. 

If you have a large list of users, it may be more logical for you to create standardised Roles and then assign multiple users to the Role at once. 

EXAMPLE: for a list of 35 different users your standard Roles may be: 
Store Manager | Area Manager | Head Office Marketing | Head Office Management

To assign multiple Users to one Role

  • Go to Roles in the side menu 
  • Go to the Edit Role Users tab
  • Select the Role name from the drop list on the right 
  • Drag and drop the required Users from the list on the right to the Role name displayed on the left 
  • Click Save to complete 

Related Articles

You may also wish to review the following article that details options for restricting access to reports for API users.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

December 2023

This article updated to include the link to Role Restrictions for Reporting API.

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