POS Exceptions

POS exceptions are recorded when specific actions occur at POS. This gives management insight as to what has occurred and when.

POS exceptions can be reported via the POS Management database or from within Polygon Central.

This article explains each of the exception types available.

Please note: some exception types are applicable only to Legacy POS installations, and some only to Polygon POS installation.  These are indicated in the table below.

Legacy (L)
Polygon (P)
Both (*)

Exception Type



Access Unassigned Cash Drawer

This is only available if the ‘cash drawer management’ function is activated. It records which cash drawer manager has accessed a cash drawer that is not assigned to any staff member.

* Blind Z-Reads: Sales Reports Printed

These exceptions are only reported if the POS has blind balancing enabled. They report the date and time that a staff member runs any of these Trading Reports.
- Item Report
- Sales by Hour
- Sales by ½ Hour
- Food & Beverage Sales Report
- Sales by PLU Class

P Credit Item   

Records when the Credit Item system key has been used at POS and what value the items were for that this was applied to.


Deleted Finalised Media Payment

Records the fact that a sale was paid with an incorrect media type, the payment has been deleted, and the sale repaid with the appropriate media.


Edited Timesheet Records

This is a record of the date, time and the name of the staff member whose timesheet record was changed.


Finalised Sale to Training Mode

Not currently in use, reserved for future functionality.


Items Deleted

These means that a staff member has made an error when entering the customer order and has deleted the incorrect item AFTER the sale was sent to production, and BEFORE payment has been made.


Items Deleted (Finalised Sales)

A sale has been recalled AFTER it has been sent to production, and AFTER it has been paid, and an item has been deleted from the sale.  If the total of the sale was $50 and a cash payment of $50 was made, and the item deleted was worth $5, the sale subtotal is now $45, with a payment of $50 and change of $5.


Items Deleted (Not Saved)

If you have the system setting ‘Log deletions on non saved sales’ on, these are items that have simply been entered and removed (usually true mistakes) BEFORE a receipt is printed and BEFORE the sale has been finalised. 


Items Deleted (receipt already printed)

The reported item has been deleted from the sale BEFORE it has been sent to production and BEFORE it has been finalised, but AFTER a customer receipt has been printed.


Items Deleted (Cleared Sales)

The items reported in this section are the PLUs that were present in the sales reported under the exception Sales Cleared (Saved).


Keypad Button Security

This exception records the date, time and POS terminal where a staff member enters their user password in response to a security prompt when using a keypad button with an Access Security Level assigned.


Loyalty Scan on Finalised POS Sale

Records the date, time and POS Terminal on which this staff member recalls a finalised sale and assigns a loyalty member to that sale.


Manually Released Record Lock

Records the date, time, POS Terminal used and SaleID when this staff member on which this staff member manually releases a sale which is tagged as locked by another user.


No Sale Key Access

This is a record of the date, time and staff member who used the No Sale button to open the cash drawer.


Paid Out Key Access

Records the date, time, Sale ID and amount of any Paid Out keys utilised.


Price Override

This is a record of which staff member used a price override key, and the date, time, original price and price at which the item is sold.


Reassigned Master Terminal

This record shows of the instances where a terminal reports that it cannot find the designated master terminal and another terminal on the network is assigned as the Master terminal. This is a record of date, time, store location and terminal ID of the terminal that cannot find the master.


Refund Item 

Records the date, time and POS Terminal where this staff member recorded an item as refunded. The record includes the SaleID, table number, Item Name, (Qty) and ($value) of the refunded item.


Reset Production Display

This is a record of the date, time and staff member who reset the terminal which runs a production display.


Reset Sales (Z-off)

This is a record of the date, time and staff member who reset the master terminal.


Reset Section

This is a record of the date, time and staff member who reset a POS Section.


Reset Timesheets

This is a record of the date, time and staff member who reset the timesheets.


Restored Master Terminal

This record shows of the instances where terminal recognises the designated Master terminal after it has been operating with a temporary master terminal assigned. This is a record of date, time, store location and terminal ID of the terminal which can one again connect to the designated master.


Sales Cleared (Finalised Sales)

This means that the staff member has recalled sale and used the Clear Sale button to delete the entire sale, AFTER it has been sent to production and AFTER it has been paid.


Sales Cleared (Not Saved)

The Clear Sale button has been used to delete the entire sale BEFORE it has been sent to production, and BEFORE it has been paid.


Sales Cleared (Saved)

This means that the staff member has opened a sale and saved it to a table and used the Clear Sale button to delete the entire sale, AFTER it has been sent to production and BEFORE it has been paid.


SmartOrder Processor restart – Manual  

 Records the date, time, POS Area and POS Terminal when the SmartOrder Process is manually restarted. 


SmartOrder Processor restart – Overnight  

Records the date, time, POS Area and POS Terminal when the SmartOrder Process is restarted as part of overnight maintenance processes.


SmartOrder Processor restart – Unresponsive  

Records the date, time, POS Area and POS Terminal when the SmartOrder Process is restarted by the POS Guardian applets when deemed to be unresponsive.


Sold Out Items

Records the date, time and POS Terminal where this staff member either used the Set PLU Qty Levels function to mark the reported PLU as ‘sold out’, or sold the last available qty of this item.


Supervisor Password Override 

Records the date, time and POS Terminal on which this staff member enters their password as the supervisor when a Manager Password Override is requested by another staff member.


Trading Data Restore

Reserved for possible future use.