POS User Security Roles

How to create and maintain POS User Security Roles and assign them to a POS User


POS User password security:

From May 2024, POS user password security has been enhanced with the option to enforce a minimum length for a POS User PIN.  In addition, you can choose to validate against common and insecure combinations.
You can define the level of security in your Polygon POS Management database.
Prerequisite: Polygon POS Management 2405.22.1 or later

You can learn how to access and apply the settings in Polygon POS Management here.

Minimum PIN Length
A minimum PIN length can be set, up to a maximum of 8. 
You will need to determine the balance between ease-of-use and security required for your business.  A short PIN is easy for others to see or guess, while the entry of an 8-digit PIN could become onerous if it needs to be entered frequently.

Insecure POS user PIN combination prevention

You can ask the system to prevent the saving of PIN's deemed to be insecure.  It will validate against common values when POS User PIN's are created and deny PIN's of sequential or multiple digits. 
For example, numbers in sequence like 1234 and 5678, or multiples of a single number like 1111 and 4444.


Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

August 2024

Inclusion of POS User Password Security section.

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