Printer Sets - Live Label Printing


Live Label Printing is an enhancement to the Printer Sets functionality.  It allows staff in the production kitchen to make a start on items ordered without first having to wait for the order to be entered in its entirety as the label for each item is printed when the entry of the next item is started.

If modifications are made to an item for which the label has already been issued a new label will be printed.  Live Label Printing can include a change indicator when this occurs.

The product overview article for Printer Sets can be found here.


To utilise Live Label Printing the following versions are required.  It is supported for Polygon POS installations utilising Printer Sets only.
  • Polygon POS Management: 2404.??.? later (TBC upon production release) 
  • Polygon POS Terminal: 2404.??.? or later (TBC upon production release) 

Polygon POS Management Configuration Settings

To enable live label printing you need to:

  • Access POS Location Settings (or Default Location Settings, as appropriate)
  • Navigate to POS Terminal Settings | Printing | Production Output
  • Ensure the setting Enable live label printing is turned on.
    • If round-robin behaviour is enabled for Printer Sets you may swap between printers for each item instead of each sale by enabling the Round-robin by item setting.
    • If the Prefix modified instructions with change indicator setting is on, instructions removed from the item will be prefixed with (-) and instructions added to the item will be prefixed with (+) when the new label is printed.  If this setting is not enabled, the new label will only list the item with the current set of instructions.

You can see how to access the POS Location Settings in Polygon POS Management here.

Live Label Printing

When Live Label Printing is enabled a print job that Printer Sets has assessed for allocation to a label printer will not wait for the order to be saved or finalised before issuing the print job. 

Instead, this functionality will print the label for the previous item in the cart (including any modifiers and instructions) when:

  • A new parent PLU is added to the cart

  • The qty of a parent PLU is increased using the + button
  • The order is saved

  • The order is finalised (either by fast finaliser or using the pay screen) 

Modified Items

If the modifiers or instructions on an item are changed after the initial label has been printed a new live label will be issued that includes *MOD* immediately above the parent PLU to indicate to staff that a change has occurred.



The following should be considered when using Live Label Printing.

  • The trigger rules for Live Label Printing apply when modifications are made to the instructions for an item.  This means if adjustments are made to multiple items in a sale the *MOD* labels for these items will not print until the next parent PLU is entered, or the sale is saved/finalised.  

  • If Round-robin by item is enabled, the *MOD* label may not print on the same printer as the original live label.  Care should be taken to avoid the same item being made at separate stations.

  • If the instructions entered for an item match a programmed bundle PLU and are automatically bundled, the bundle PLU will be issued a separate label.  For example, when a Beef Burger is entered with the required Bun choice plus optional Chips and Drink, these are auto-bundled as a Burger Meal Deal.  The first label will detail the Burger, Bun, Chips and Drink and the second label will include the Burger Meal Deal bundle PLU.

Related Articles

You can find information on how to setup, configure and operate with Printer Sets here.

Related Functionality

You might like to look at the following articles that complement Live Label Printing.




Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

February 2024

First publication of this article.

S Black

April 2024

- Inclusion of modified live labels and option for round-robin per item.
- Removed ability to disable Live Label Printing from POS.
- updated Considerations section.

S Black