Printer Sets (User Guide)


The Printer Sets feature enables restaurant managers to assign orders and items to printers assigned to working stations based on pre-defined configurations and sale type filtering.  This feature facilitates load balancing through smart printer management while empowering staff to enable/disable printers effortlessly through the POS.

Printer Sets are designed to enhance efficiency and productivity by reducing dependency on the KMS, enabling load balancing, and simplifying printer setup and configurations.

The product overview article for Printer Sets can be found here.

Using Printer Sets To Change Operational Configuration

If your kitchen operation runs with dual production lines (eg, Bench 1 and Bench 2)  where the production jobs are allocated using round-robin behaviour (load balancing between the printers on both benches), it is desirable to be able to disable one of the printers during times of low volume trade and conversely re-enable the printer for peak periods of trade.

POS User Security Role Permission

To disable and re-enable printers at POS, the POS Staff member must have the following permission granted in their security role.

Polygon Point of Sale | Main Menu Permissions | Admin

You can learn more about assigning permissions to POS Staff Security Roles here.

How to Disable a Printer at POS 

If you want to disable a printer during trade and effectively move from a dual production line to a single production line:

From the Master terminal:

  • Access the Admin button on the toolbar
  • Enter your password
  • Select Hardware from the Admin menu on the left
  • Now choose the Enable / Disable Printers button
  • Highlight the relevant printer from the list of POS Network Production Printers
  • Use the Disable Printer button to disable the printer.  
  • Confirm that you wish to disable the printer.  The printer will now show with a strikethrough to indicate the disabled status.

pos disable printer

This change will take effect immediately from all POS terminals in the network (the master will send a silent notification to the slave terminals).

Important Note:

The disabling of a printer at POS will persist until the printer is manually enabled again at POS.  The download of an update from the BOH will not change the disabled status of a printer.

Enabling a Printer at POS

When you want to return to a dual production line, you will need to re-enable the printer.

From the Master terminal:  

  • Access the Admin button on the toolbar
  • Enter your password
  • Select Hardware from the Admin menu on the left
  • Now choose the Enable / Disable Printers button
  • Highlight the relevant disabled printer from the list of POS Network Production Printers
  • Use the Enable Printer button to enable the printer.  
  • Confirm that you wish to enable the printer.  The strikethrough will be removed from the printer to indicate that it is now enabled.

enable printer

This change will take effect immediately from all POS terminals in the network (the master will send a silent notification to the slave terminals).

Enable / Disable Printers File on Slave Terminals

While you must use the Master terminal to enable or disable production printers, the file is available in read-only mode on the slave terminals.

This will allow staff to use any terminal to check the current applied status of the printers.  Note: the Enable/Disable Printer button will remain disabled regardless of any printer selected in the file.

enable and disable printers

Related Articles

You can find information on how to setup and configure Printer Sets here.



Article Change Log

Date Record of Changes Author

December 2023

First publication of this article

S Black

February 2024

Added references to Live Label Printing

S Black