Production to Sandpit data dump

It may be desirable to update a sandpit database with the latest data from a production database, especially if there have been significant changes made in the production database which are needed as the basis for testing using the sandpit database.

This service can be requested via your Redcat account manager who can submit a ticket to the Infrastructure team to have this completed for you.

What data is included in the data dump?

The registration record will first be copied from the production database to the sandpit database to ensure that all registered modules required for the incoming data are available.

Then, the following data in the sandpit database will be overwritten with the data from the production database.

  • Security Roles
  • POS Security Roles
  • PLU Classes
  • PLU Categories
  • PLU File
  • Brands File
  • POS Network 
  • POS Network Store Details
  • POS Hardware & Peripherals 
  • Product Keypads 
  • Media Keypad
  • Floorplan Keypads
  • Promo Player 
  • Loyalty Card Profiles
  • Scheduled Price Levels
  • POS Staff 
  • Client Accounts
  • Management Accounts 
  • Suppliers 
  • Employees 
  • Public Holiday File
  • Chart of Accounts 
  • Virtual Safe Accounts 
  • Inventory
  • Recipes
  • Service Email Notifications

What data is excluded from the data dump?

While the POS Location settings are copied, the following configuration settings are NOT overwritten by the data dump.

  • Loyalty Website URL
  • Polygon Real-Time Server URL
  • Polygon Customer Ordering Server URL
  • Legacy (Smart Reports) Web Reporting Server URL
  • Polygon Central URL

What else does the data dump process do?

This process will also 'clean' the sandpit database and purge all sales mix records that exist in the sandpit database.  It must be noted however that it does not copy any sales mix records from the production database to the sandpit database.